Prof. Mohamadreza Monazzam-2016

Director of Technology Development and Communication with Industry 2013-Curren

Prof. Mohamadreza Monazzam


Important developmental activities carried out in 2016


*          Formulation of executive guidelines for university industry communication plans

*          Analytical Report on the Status of industry-related projects within the University's Four Year Program

*          Collecting and publishing a booklet about the capabilities of colleges and research centers in collaboration with the industry

*          Analyses of effective internal and external factors associated with industry

*          Examine the status of industry-related projects from 2002 to 2015

*          Investigating the status of fields and capacities for developing industry-university communication

*          Evaluating the capacities of industry communicators

*          Facilitate collaboration with industries and executives

Working with the Education and Research Office of the Ministry of Industry, Mining and Commerce to Interact with Industrial Units

*          Informing research priorities of organizations to university units

Joint initiatives with industry

*          Planning to encourage faculty and staff to participate in industry-related projects

*          Holding a workshop on familiarization with the process of designing a relationship with the industry

*          Holding a workshop on industry relations

*          Model of rapid evaluation of industry-related projects in Effectiveness Improvement

*          Innovation Performance Festival

*          Collaborating with the Department of Management Development and Resource Planning - University Proposal System

*          Have a cubicle at Health Technology and Technology Market Conference - Second Conference

*           Signed 122 contacts with industry (industry – related project)