The 12th TUMSUP Workshop Event was held.

“Legal issues and valuation of startups” The 12th TUMSUP Workshop Event
The 12th TUMSUP Workshop Event was held.

The 12th TUMSUP workshop was held on December 9, 2019 at the Comprehensive Research Laboratory Hall. Faculty members, students, staff members of Tehran University of Medical Sciences (TUMS), and participants from other universities attended this workshop.

The first part of the workshop, “Evaluating startups", was conducted by Mr. Farhang Bagheri, director of Highway Innovation Factory.

During his presentation, methods that would help better evaluate startups were explained.

 In the second part of the event, “Legal issues for startup businesses” were explained by Mr. Ebrahim Draji, Legal adviser at the Jahad of Iran University of Science and Technology (JDEVS).

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