The 5th National Health Tech Market event

The 5th National Health Tech Market event was held in Chabahar industrial free zone.
The 5th National Health Tech Market event

The 5th National Health Tech Market event was held on November 7th and 8th, 2019 in the Chabahar free industrial zone. (According to the request of Zahedan University of Medical Sciences and Iranshahr University of Medical Sciences)

About 100 companies and technology cores with 400 products attended this event. These companies introduced their products for incubator centers & investor funds, commercialization officials, Iran National Technomart, as well as regional and national authorities. They tried to negotiate with related national and international commercialization offices. Also more than 150 technology faculty members, 400 students and 600 participants from regional executives and investors attended this conference.

Prof. Sahraian, Vice-Chancellor for Research and Technology at TUMS, explained the innovations of TUMS in the field of technology development (3rd generation university) and expressed hope that other universities would put these experiences into good use. The innovative tasks were such: delegating authority to environmental councils, giving industrial grants, industrial study opportunities, and the utilization of the capacity of the Technology Transfer Office (TTO) in the commercial field at TUMS.

Selling products, 20 contracts and agreements, evaluating 160 technological ideas (6 ideas were honored), were some of the event's outputs. Also more than 30 student teams from all over the country participated in a problem solving competition.

One of the successful outcomes was the decision to set up a health technology development co-operation room in the Chabahar Free Zone, focusing on Tehran University of Medical Sciences.


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