A Joint meeting between Vice-Chancellors of Research and Technology of TUMS and Elm-o-Sanat University of Science and Technology

A Joint meeting between Vice-Chancellors of Research and Technology of TUMS and Elm-o-Sanat University of Science and Technology

A Joint meeting between Vice-Chancellors for Research and Technology from Tehran University of Medical Sciences and Elm-o-Sanat University of Science and Technology was held to access a common model to better advance research in the universities. This meeting was on July 30th, 2019 at the Elm-o-Sanat University.

At the beginning of the meeting protocols, capabilities, and the performance in the technology sector of both universities were introduced. Prof. Sarkar, director of medical equipment center, Prof. Sahraian, Vice-Chancellor for Research and Technology at TUMS, and Toraj Mohammadi, Vice-Chancellor for Research and Technology from Elm-o-Sanat University spoke at this event.

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