Apical root canal microbiome associated with primary and posttreatment apical periodontitis: A systematic review

The 5th SELA & 31st TUMS Endodontics Online Journal Club

Prof. Flávio Alves

(DDs, MSc, PhD)

First Author

Professor Flávio Alves received his DDS, endodontic certificate, and master's degree from Estácio de Sá University, Rio de Janeiro, in 1999, 2002, and 2004, respectively. He finished his microbiology and immunology Ph.D. in 2008 at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. Since 2020, Dr. Alves was the General Coordinator of the Graduate Program in Dentistry at the University of Grande Rio (Master's and Doctorate, 2020-2024) and Professor at Iguaçu University and University of Grande Rio. Author of many articles published in the Endodontics field; he has H-index = 33 (SCOPUS).

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Prof. Mohammad H. Nekoofar

(DDs, MSc, PhD)

English Moderator

Prof. Hugo Plascencia

(DDS, MSc, PhD)

Spanish Moderator

Endodontics Journal Clubs