Factors Related to Pulp Survival After Complicated Crown Fracture Following Vital Pulp Therapy: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis

The 20th APEC & 25th TUMS Endodontics Online Journal Club

Giorgos N. Tzanetakis

(DDS, MSc, PhD)

Department of Endodontics, School of Dentistry, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece


Dr. Tzanetakis received his Dental Degree (DDS) in 2002 from School of Dentistry of National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. In 2007, he completed the three-year Postgraduate Program in Endodontics at the same University.  In 2015, he received his Ph.D. Degree in Oral Biology with grade excellent while in 2018 was elected at the position of Assistant Professor in Endodontics in School of Dentistry of Athens. Dr. Tzanetakis has published 37 articles in Pubmed indexed international journals whereas he is reviewer for several international peer reviewed journals including International Endodontic Journal, Journal of Endodontics, PloS One, Journal of Clinical Microbiology, Australian Endodontic journal, Journal of Evidenced-Based Dental Practice, Clinical Oral Investigations, Dental Traumatology, International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry, International Dental Journal, European Archives of Paediatric Dentistry, Brazilian Oral Research, BMC Oral Health, Case Reports in Dentistry, Scientific Reports and PeerJ.

Access link to the paper:


Utku Can Kemeç

Department of Endodontics, School of Dentistry, Bahcesehir University, Turkey


Mohammad H. Nekoofar

(DDs MSc DoIBoE PhD)

Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Iran


This Session Video

To watch this session on our YouTube Channel please click on this link: https://youtu.be/a855Pvnc-E8

Endodontics Journal Clubs