Scholarship and Development projects in Medical Education
About us
Specializing in medical education, scholarship distribution, and development projects in medical education, the Academic staffs of TUMS are able to design, prepare, and implement their medical education proposals in medical education leading to advancement in educating and teaching in the learning environment.

Name and family name: Maryam Nasimi
Major: Dermatologist
Academic rank: Associate professor of Dermatology
Email address:
Program and Activities
Activity #1: Managing consultation programs
We provide counseling opportunities for TUMS academic staff to make recommendations on evidence-based interventions in medical education by an experienced medical education consultant.
- Promotion of knowledge and skills of medical teachers in the field of developmental projects in medical education+
- Improving the quality of proposals in the developmental projects
The consultation form and timetable are available on the EDC website and must be filled by the applicant and emailed to: After the appointment is approved by the medical education consultant, the applicant would be informed about the time and place of the meeting.
Activity #2: Reviewing and approval of the proposals in the field of medical education
Our unit is the leader in evaluating and approving interventions to improve medical education.
- Evaluation of the proposals in the medical education and selection of the eligible ones
- Reviewing the proposals by experts in the field to improve their quality
- Providing support and appointing a supervisor for each project to continually improve the process of implementation
- Providing grant support for eligible ones.
The proposals should be sent to the email address: for initial evaluation by the unit director. After first step, the approved proposals would be reviewed by two expert medical education reviewers and comments will be directed to the authors. After final approval, the proposals will be rated in the committee of developmental projects in medical education.
Activity #3: training reviewers in the field of medical education developmental projects
We implement annually scheduled meetings in order to train reviewers in the field of medical education developmental projects.
- Improving skills of our reviewers and increasing consistency among them
- Shortening the time of review by increasing the available reviewers for the projects
- Enhancing the quality of projects՚ reviews
The meetings are scheduled annually for the available reviewers and the new ones to get familiar with the new rules and methods of reviewing in the fields of medical education. The training courses are designed as workshops by blinded review of projects to get new experience in this field.
Activity #4:Reviewing and approval of scholarship of teaching
Our unit is the leader of evaluating and approval of scholarship of teaching.
- Evaluation of the scholarships of teaching and selection of the eligible ones
- Providing initial scores for process to present them in the scholarship committee of the TUMS
The process should be uploaded to the scholarship system: for initial evaluation by two expert medical education reviewers. Once approved and graded, the process will be rated in the committee of scholarship of teaching of TUMS.
Contact us:
Phone number: 02188955016