International affairs of EDC

About us

To support and promote international collaborations in Education Development Center of TUMS.   






Name and family name: Dr. Maryam Alizadeh
Major: Ph.D. of Medical Education 
Academic rank: Assistant professor 
Email address:

Program and Activities

Activity #1: BICC


Collaboration agreement was signed between Tehran University of Medical Sciences and the association of medical education in Europe at the beginning of 2014 by Dr. Ali Jafarian, President of the Tehran University of Medical Sciences and Professor Ronald Harden, director of AMEE.


Based on the agreement which is valid until 2023, representatives of Tehran University of medical sciences are the members of BEME board and BEME review editorial committee (BREC) and will attend their meetings.

Members of BICC from Tehran University of medical sciences are:  

Dr. Amirhosein Jahnashir, Associate professor, MD MSc of E-learning.

Dr. Azim Mirzadeh, Associate professor, MD Dip. HPE.

Dr. Maryam Alizadeh, Assistant professor, PhD of Medical Education.

Dr. Rasoul Masoumi, Phd student of medical education.


  • to promote the culture of decision making based on best evidence in medical education
  •  to conduct and publish systematic reviews
  •  to provide an opportunity to share the experiences



BEME collaboration is one of the subsidiaries related to AMEE that like Cochrane collaboration by leading, conducting and publishing systematic reviews helps the development of evidence based “education”. In this way, different centers from all over the world collaborate with this organization. AMEE in the winter of 2014 called for new BICCs. Tehran University of medical sciences along with 12 other universities were accepted as the new BICCs. Professor Ronald Harden, director of AMEE in a part of his letter expressed the hope that Tehran University of medical sciences will have a considerable cooperation in medical education on evidence-based development in the future.

Activity # 2: Holding AMEE live in TUMS


We attempt to provide the opportunity for faculty members who are interested in AMEE conference. All plenary sessions and a selection of symposia are presented live. In TUMS we make it interactive by gathering participants together and providing better discussion and interaction opportunities. Each plenary and symposia has a board of directors consists of faculty members who have experience in the field of discussion.



  • to provide an opportunity to share the experiences and attend in conferences


Contact us:   

 Phone: +9802188955712