Faculty Development

About us

To support and promote faculty members’ attitude, skills, knowledge and identity as medical teachers at TUMS, in line with the mission of the education development center of Tehran University of Medical Sciences which is “improving the quality of education and learning with the aim of training educated workforce for giving the highest quality health services to the public and patients” 





Dr. Maryam Alizadeh
Medical Education 
Academic rank: Assistant professor 
Email address:

Program and Activities

Activity # 1: Basic Skills of Teaching Course


We attempt to provide students with knowledge and medical education skills for our faculty members to teach their professional students the best skills.

This course provides the techniques needed to instruct, facilitate, train and evaluate medical students. In addition, it encourages them to combine medical education knowledge with their expertise in basic and clinical sciences.


  • Developing knowledge and skills of medical teachers in the field of medical education
  • Enhancing the quality of teaching and learning in TUMS  


This mandatory course is held three times a year for faculty members who are assistant professors at TUMS. This course consists of 3 main parts. First, 12 hours of intensive workshops on core series (instructional design, principles of teaching and learning, teacher professionalism, effective and interactive lecturing, Best Evidence Medical Education, Student assessment system) are held. Then, faculty members are offered to choose 8 out of 16 optional workshops. 4 should be in the field of teaching and learning and 4 in the field of student assessment. The topics of teaching and learning methods are: “How to use e-learning? How to flipped our classes? How to develop standard slides? How to manage classes with Z Gen and problem learners? How to teach procedural and technical skills?  How to use problem based learning? How to teach in clinical setting? How do Reflection & feedback?” The topics of assessment methods are: “How to develop MCQ? How to develop oral exams? How to develop essay exams? How to assess clinical reasoning? How to design and implement OSCE/OSPE? How to assess in workplace?”. Finally, faculty members are supposed to do assignments on all of 8 workshops they have selected. A group of trained reviewers in assistant with   many sessions are interactive and there is discussion and group work.

Individuals attending this course will receive a Certificate of Participation from the Education Development Center, Faculty Development Unit. This certificate is essential for promotion of assistant professor to associate professor academic level.

Activity # 2: Advance short Courses


We attempt to provide various advance courses for whom are interested in the field of medical education. These courses provide opportunities for faculty members who have the educational roles like leadership, management or are interested in the field of medical education.


  • Educational Leadership course (in face to face and e-learning format)

This course is designed for educational leaders who are looking for extending their knowledge of leadership and management in the university. The focus is on leading changes too.

  • Professionalism (how to teach how to assess)

How to teach, how to assess professionalism course is going to highlight the important role of teachers for enhancing professionalism. The focus is on role modeling and utilizing reflection.  

  • Motivation and meta- motivation

This course is designed to answer the most frequently asked question of faculty members “why our students don’t have enough motivation for learning and how can we motivate them?” in this advanced course, practical tips are provided on role of the teacher in motivating students, the role of the learning environment and the role of person, student, in monitoring motivation.  

  • Curriculum

Curriculum course includes trends, structure and process of development and revision of the curriculum in the field of medical education. The course also prepares the teachers to identify learning needs according to academic and developmental standards.

  • Evaluation

This course introduces teachers to the ideas and procedures involved in  faculty planning and evaluation.

  • Educational research

By the end of this course, participants would have a good awareness of the range of procedures that might be applied to different types of research studies and the guidelines that should be used in selecting a set of appropriate research methods.

  • HSR Proposal development

The main purpose of this course is improving the quality of HSR proposals. This course will enable teachers to produce HSR proposals ready for implementation.

Activity # 3: Peer Observation of Teaching (POT)


Peer Observation of Teaching (POT) is implemented in TUMS with the aim of formative evaluation. POT is the presence of an experienced faculty member in the classroom of a colleague to observe his or her educational performance and provide constructive feedback.


Improving the quality of teaching and learning process


Faculty members volunteer to participate in the program and select their observers from the list of trained observers. Arrangements for the observation sessions are made by the Educational Development Offices (EDOs) in different schools and hospitals. Following each observation session, both written and verbal feedback is provided by the observer, and although the results are kept confidential to the faculty member, certifications of attendance, for both observer and observee, are issued by the EDC.

Activity # 4: Teaching identity development activities (teacher journey program and informal meetings)

Based on the growing body of the literature on the importance of teacher identity development in order to empowering teachers and paying attention to teaching excellence, in these friendly sessions a popular faculty member is invited and is asked to tell about his/her journey as a teacher in TUMS. 


Provoking reflection on teaching and learning process 
Prominent masters in the friendly manner talk about their success on their educational journey. Why did they succeed? What trick did they use in the teaching and learning process? And how do they motivate students? After an interactive discussion, the participants are encouraged to use a structured reflective essay.


Activity # 5: Assessing and approving the faculty development programs and workshops in the field of medical education that are held in hospitals and schools.

According to a comprehensive plan for the development of professors at TUMS, any department, center or school which is going to implement faculty development workshops should be assessed and approved by EDC. 

Maintaining and monitoring the quality of faculty development workshops  
This process begins at the request of the school or hospital. The unit manager then reviews the proposal and makes a decision based on the subject, goals, and teaching methods of the workshop.



Contact us:   
Email: Edcworkshops@tums.ac.ir 
Phone: +9802188955712