History of Pharmacy


School of Pharmacy, International Campus, Tehran University of Medical Sciences

The School of Pharmacy at the International Campus of the Tehran University of Medical Sciences is an outstanding academic centres in Iran. Students study pharmacy for 2 years in Kish Island and then continue their studies in Tehran. Pharmacy education lasts around 6 years and require high school diploma. Successful students achieve a PharmD (Pharmacy Doctor) degree at the end of their studies.

The School of Pharmacy is equipped with educational and research laboratories in Pharmacognosy, Pharmaceutics, Instrumental analysis, Pharmacology, Toxicology, Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, Medicinal Chemistry, Microbial Control, Physico-chemical Analysis and Medicinal plants. The school also has its own library and IT site.

An Academic year consists of two-semesters and there is a two-week break between the semesters.

The school’s curriculum provides students with the opportunity to develop their skills both in theory and practice. The curriculum provides graduates with the opportunity to work in industrial and pharmaceutical companies, quality control laboratories, poison control centres, cosmetic companies, cellular pharmacology, herbal medicine, biotechnology research, and academia.

The school of Pharmacy offers graduate training in specialty and Ph.D. levels to highly motivated individuals. Graduate training consists of a sequence of required core courses, elective courses, faculty- directed research experience, and an original research project leading to a final thesis or dissertation. Student may select to specialise in clinic or basic research by choosing Medicinal Chemistry, Biotechnology, Pharmaceutics, Toxicology or Pharmacology as their area of study.


Mission and Vision

Our mission is to educate students at all disciplines of the Pharmaceutical sciences in accordance with the highest educational standards. We prepare future pharmacist to work in diverse communities.

Our vision is to become an internationally recognised academic centre that will appeal to international students as well as professors and researchers. Through our expertise and interactions with Iranian and international researchers, students, and professors, we will demonstrate our respect for and our commitment to the advancement of Pharmaceutical science education.


To prepare pharmacy graduates with the attitudes, knowledge, skills, and abilities, to become highly qualified pharmacists. These graduates will work with patients and other health care providers to screen for, prevent and resolve medication-related problems, as well as provide health promotion, disease prevention and disease- management services.

To promote pharmaceutical research and knowledge generation through the acquisition of extramural funding and published research data.

To produce pharmaceutical scientists who through teaching, research and services, contribute to the body of pharmaceutical knowledge.


Last Update At : 27 August 2024