Razi Hospital




There is one “Autoimmune Bullous Disease” Research Center in hospital that was established in 1991 as “pemphigus clinic”. This research center is the affiliated research center to the Department of dermatology at TUMS.

Phototherapy clinic is the biggest referral center in the country for the patients who need Phototherapy with averagely 300 patients per day.

Skin clinics with averagely 800 patients per day, is one of the most important referral center of skin disease.

In 1943, Dr. Mohammad Ali Maleki, who was a French trained dermatovenereologist (in Saint Louis Hospital of Paris), established the chair of dermatology in Razi Hospital, the affiliated teaching hospital of Tehran University.

Indeed, Prof. Mohammad Ali Maleki is the founder of modern dermatology in Iran. In 1957, the first program for training specialist in dermatology was established (accepting part time assistant). In 1969 a curriculum for training full time resident in dermatology was established. At the present time, there are two dermatology wards and one surgery ward with totally 69 beds in Razi Hospital.There are 6 outpatient operating rooms for procedural dermatology cases like biopsy, excisions, injections, subcision, liposuction and lipoinfusion, hair transplantation, peeling, dermabrasion, microdermabrasion, cauterization and cryotherapy.

Averagely 420 skin tumor and plastic surgeries and 11,000 dermatology procedures have been done in this hospital per month.

There is one “Autoimmune Bullous Disease” Research Center in hospital that was established in 1991 as “pemphigus clinic”. This research center is the affiliated research center to the Department of dermatology at TUMS.

At present time we have 32 academic members in hospital and in average 70 undergraduate MD students and 52 dermatology residents.

Phototherapy clinic is the biggest referral center in the country for the patients who need Phototherapy with averagely 300 patients per day.

Skin clinics with averagely 800 patients per day, is one of the most important referral center of skin disease.

The emergency of the hospital is for visiting and treating the acute skin diseases and admission of patients in case of need.

Medical Wards of the Hospital

  • Skin diseases (men$women)
  • Plastic Surgery

Facilities and Equipment

  • Library equipped with dermatology references and journals,
  • Free Wi-Fi internet access,
  • Pavilion for undergraduate and postgraduate students with computers and internet access
  • Conference center
  • Laboratory And Pathology Equipped With The Latest Therapeutic And Educational Equipment including Immunohistochemistry and direct immunofluorescence technique
  • Automated Total Body Photography
  • All Types Of Beauty And Therapeutic Lasers including IPL ,DIODE,Q-SWITCH ,Ablative Laser ,ND-YAG Laser, Alexandrite, Alexandrite +NDYAG, Erbium – YAG laser, Erbium Glass laser, PDL
  • Phototherapy including PUVA and UVB.
  • Microneedling
  • Cryotherapy
  • Liposuction
  • Lipoinjection
  • Dermabrasion
  • Subcision
  • Filler Injection
  • Hair Transplantation
  • Botulinum Toxin


Head of Hospital

Contact Person

Dr. Robabeh Abedini

Tel, fax: (+9821) 55620300

Email: rabedini@sina.tums.as.ir

Mailing Address: Razi Hospital- Vahdate-e-eslami St, Tehran, Iran

Dr. Maryam Nasimi

Tel, fax: (+9821) 55618989

Email: nsm.maryam@gmail.com

Mailing Address: Razi Hospital- Vahdate-e-eslami St, Tehran, Iran

Last Update At : 13 October 2019