Ziaeian Hospital




This hospital is the only place in the country where geriatric medicine specialty course is held, and also the only educational center in TUMS where the family medicine specialty course is held

Ziaeian hospital was established in 1994, with the dedication of 9000 square-meter land of its first founder, Mr. Ziaeian. Today Ziaeian hospital is one of the educational hospitals of Tehran University of medical sciences which is located southwest of Tehran city and has 155 active beds and 12 unites. 33 Faculty Members and 60 Specialists are working at Ziaeian hospital. This hospital has served to the undergraduate and postgraduate medical and nursing students and also international medical students. This hospital is the only place in the country where geriatric medicine specialty course is held, and also the only educational center in TUMS where the family medicine specialty course is held. The hospital provides advance medical and health care. On average, more than 1000 surgical procedures are performed per month in the hospital. Monthly, about 25000.patients and 10000 patients are visited in emergency ward and clinics respectively. The number of inpatients is almost 1100 in a month and about 300 deliveries are done in the hospital in a month.

There are two research centers in the hospital, one of them is Hospital Research Development center and the other is Students Research Center of International Campus, The mission of them are to promote research activities in the production of knowledge, providing quality education and meet the needs of the community. Motivating and increasing the ability of faculty, students and staff for planning, directing and presenting a research project are the other objectives of the formation of the centers.

Medical Wards of the Hospital

  • Internal
  • Maternity Ward
  • Pediatrics
  • Surgery( Urology –Orthopedic)
  • CCU & Cardiology
  • ICU
  • CCU & Cardiology
  • Geriatric
  • Emergency
  • Dialysis & Nephrology
  • Neonatology

Facilities and Equipment

We established the only Geriatric ward across Iran that is run by faculty members who teach residents and treat old patients. Also, The Family Medicine professors teach residents in this center that is unique at Tehran University of Medical Science. The library consists of four distinct sections and is open working days from 8 am to 12 pm:

  • Reading Room
  • Book Treasury
  • Site for internet search of articles, …
  • Librarian Room


Head of Hospital

Contact Person

Dr. Mohammad Effatpanah

Tel: (+9821) 55738012

Fax: (+9821) 55751333

Email: m-effatpanah@tums.ac.ir

 Address: Ziaeian Hospital, opposite the municipality of the region 17, Abouzar Street, Tehran, Iran


Dr. Abolfazl Zendehdel

Tel: (+9821) 55745975

Fax: (+9821) 55751333

Email: azendedel@sina.tums.ac.irMailing Address: Ziaeian Hospital, opposite the municipality of the region 17, Abouzar Street, Tehran, Iran



Last Update At : 01 July 2019