School of Advanced Technologies in Medicine





School of Advanced Technologies in Medicine was established in 2008 as a graduate academic center to educate talented students at M.Sc. and Ph.D. levels.






School of Advanced Technologies in Medicine was established in 2008 as a graduate academic center to educate talented students at M.Sc. and Ph.D. levels. This school is focusing entirely on science, innovation and technology transfer. This school offers 5 novel fields of knowledge including Medical Nanotechnology, Medical Biotechnology, Molecular Medicine, Tissue Engineering and Applied Cell Sciences, Neurosciences and addiction studies at two levels of MSc and PhD. Our journey to becoming one of the best schools began in 2008.

This School accepts students in the post graduate studies level. The curriculum is hoped to fill the gap between university and industry in medical sciences.

The fields of study offered by this School provide you with various career opportunities. Our curriculum is designed in a way that it enables students to step into professional careers with significantly high levels of theoretical knowledge and practical abilities in maximum level to get started working in high-tech companies. Upon graduation, you can seek jobs in high-tech companies specializing in technologies of medicine, you have the opportunity to pursue a career of teaching in top universities, or maybe start your own business in related fields.

When you decide to study in TUMS, you have made the best decision as you have chosen one of the best universities in the Middle East. This is your future that you have decided to make it yourself.




TUMS School of Advanced Technologies in Medicine accepts international students in the following programs:




رشته تحصیلیگروه/دانشکدهApply
Applied cell SciencesDepartment of Tissue Engineering & Applied cell Sciences Apply
Neuroscience Department of Neurosciences and Addiction Studies Apply
Molecular MedicineDepartment of Molecular MedicineApply
Addiction StudiesDepartment of Addiction StudiesApply
Medical BiotechnologyDepartment of Medical BiotechnologyApply
Artificial Intelligence in Medical SciencesDepartment of Artificial Intelligence in Medical Sciences Apply
Medical Nanotechnology(Nanomedicin)Department of Medical NanotechnologyApply
Tissue EngineeringDepartment of Tissue Engineering & Applied cell Sciences Apply
رشته تحصیلیگروه/دانشکدهApply
Ph.D. (New Route)Basic Sciences DepartmentsApply
رشته تحصیلیگروه/دانشکدهApply
Medical BiotechnologyDepartment of Medical BiotechnologyApply
NanomedicineDepartment of Medical NanotechnologyApply
رشته تحصیلیگروه/دانشکدهApply
Personalized and Molecular Medicine (Genomic Study) Department of Medical Nanotechnology/Molecular Medicine/Tissue Engineering-
Personalized and Molecular Medicine (Bioinformatics) Department of Medical Nanotechnology/Molecular Medicine/Tissue Engineering-
Personalized and Molecular Medicine (Genotypi ng and Molecular Detection) Department of Medical Nanotechnology/Molecular Medicine/Tissue Engineering-
Personalized and Molecular Medicine(Protein Study) Department of Medical Nanotechnology/Molecular Medicine/Tissue Engineering-
Short course in Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine Department of Medical Nanotechnology/Molecular Medicine/Tissue Engineering-
Personalized and Molecular Medicine (Personalized Medicine and Pharmac ogenomics) Department of Medical Nanotechnology/Molecular Medicine/Tissue Engineering-
Summer / Winter School on Nanomedicine Department of Medical Nanotechnology/Molecular Medicine/Tissue Engineering-
Personalized and Molecular Medicine (Prenatal and Genetic screening) Department of Medical Nanotechnology/Molecular Medicine/Tissue Engineering-
Orientation course on nanomedicine for clinicians Department of Medical Nanotechnology/Molecular Medicine/Tissue Engineering-
Personalized and Molecular Medicine(Stem Cell Research) Department of Medical Nanotechnology/Molecular Medicine/Tissue Engineering-

Contact Information

Postal Address: No. 88, Italia St, TUMS School of Advanced Technologies in Medicine, Tehran, Iran

Tel: (+9821) 4305 2000 - Ext. 401

Fax: (+9821) 8899 1117



All interested applicants are welcome to apply to TUMS by completing and submitting TUMS online application form in which they need to specify their school, level, and major of interest.