Roozbeh Hospital



Roozbeh hospital is the oldest teaching psychiatry hospital in Iran.

Roozbeh hospital is the oldest teaching psychiatry hospital in Iran. As the hospital is a unispecify hospital, it hosts the university department of psychiatry. It was founded nearly seventy years ago. Throughout its long history, hundreds of psychiatrists have been graduated from the hospital training programs and thousands of psychiatric patients have been helped by the services delivered in this hospital. Training of child and adolescent psychiatry as a subspecialty in psychiatry has been established in Roozbeh Hospital since 1999. In recent years a few fellowship programs have been established including psychosomatic, psychotherapy and psychosexual medicine. A number of other felowships will begin shortly: neuropsychiatry, addiction and dementia.

Roozbeh hospital has always had a strong psychology section with academic psychologist. It has offered postgraduate master degree program every new and then.


Facilities and Equipment

  • ECT, Neuropsychology Lab.
  • Imaging center (developing)
  • Interventional Psychiatry (developing)
  • Please take some decent marketing photos from your department


Head of Hospital

Contact Person

Dr. Seyed Hamid-Reza Naghavi

Tel:( +9821) 55412222

Fax: (+9821) 55419113


Mailing Address: Roozbeh Psychiatric Hospital,

Tehran University of Medical Sciences, South Kargar Street, Tehran 13185/1741, IRAN


Dr. Javad Alaghband Rad

Tel: (+9821) 55412222

Fax: (+9821) 55419113

Mailing Address: Roozbeh Psychiatric Hospital,

Tehran University of Medical Sciences, South Kargar Street, Tehran 13185/1741, IRAN



Last Update At : 01 January 2020