Amir A’lam Hospital




Amir A'alam hospital complex is the second oldest hospital in Tehran after Sina hospital

Amir A'alam hospital complex is the second oldest hospital in Tehran after Sina hospital. It was established in 1917 as a maternity hospital but later in 1944, it was established as an ENT Department by the efforts of Dr. Amir A’alam. The hospital gradually expanded and now in 2017, it consists of several educational departments including ear, nose and throat, the internal medicine (cardiology, Gastroenterohepatology, rheumatology,endocrinology, hematology and oncology, nephrology, pulmonology, neurology and infectious diseases) ،general surgery, plastic surgery, pathology, radiology, anesthesiology.

Amir A’alam Hospital Complex has several buildings that includes, the New Amir A’alam Building, the Old Amir A’alam Building and Marvasti Hospital. The new Amir A’alam and the Old Amir A’alam buildings are located in Sa'adi Street, while Marvasti Hospital is placed on Neufe le Chateau Street.

Amir A’alam Hospital Complex has 350 inpatient beds, 39 beds for special patients, 20 emergency beds, 17 operating room beds, 28 ICU beds and 11 CCU beds.On average in the first six months of 2017, more than 60 thousand people have been  visited in the hospital's emergency department, of which more than 8 thousand people have been admitted and hospitalized in different medical wards of this hospital complex.

The international patients will be hospitalized on the 7th floor of the new building of the complex in Sadaf ward and on the 2nd floor of Marvasti Hospital.

Medical Wards of the Hospital

  • ENT

The most important and famous medical department of Amir A’alam Hospital complex is the otorhinolaryngology. This medical ward includes several wards like: Special ward for head and neck surgery, snoring clinic, otology clinic, cochlear implant clinic olfactory clinic and sinonasal endoscopy clinic. This department is the biggest one in the education of ENT specialty and subspecialty in the country. About 10 postgraduate students yearly start the residency in the ENT department as well as 4 in the various subspecialty fellowships (otology, neurotology, and lateral skull base surgery; rhinology and anterior skull base surgery; head and neck surgery; laryngology). In addition, the process of developing the pediatric otorhinolaryngology subspecialty as the first one in the country is in the progress. Other than various educational facilities in ENT department for undergraduate and postgraduate students (such as many subspecialty clinics as well as very active ENT emergency clinic, inpatient wards with more than 80 beds in the new building of the hospital, 7 ENT operating room equipped with advanced setups which will be extended to 10 rooms in 2018, and temporal bone, sinonasal, and head and neck cadaver dissection program), weekly tumor-board interdisciplinary program is held in the department which is unique and patients with advanced or challenging neoplasms are presented and discussed for the best management plan. In addition, the expert audiology team at the hospital covers wide and broad advanced audio-vestibular assessments.

  • Internal medicine

The internal medicine department of Amir A’alam hospital with over 60 years old is one of the oldest departments of the Tehran University of Medical Sciences (including Cardiology, Rheumatology, Gastroenterohepatology, Endocrinology, Hematology and Oncology, Infectious diseases, Nephrology, Neurology). Every year many residents, in addition to first line course, spend their rotational courses here. Daily morning report sessions of the internal medicine department is an interdisciplinary program with participation of the many internal medicine subspecialties, cardiology, neurology, and infectious disease specialty that leads to be unique in the university; as this point is emphasized by the students spending their learning period at the hospital.


  • Surgery

Plastic surgery department is active since 1335 in Amir A’alam hospital and after 10 years, general surgery ward was added to this department and many operations including various laparoscopic surgeries, advanced gastrointestinal surgeries, and plastic surgeries are performed by the expert surgeons.


  • Anesthesiology

The anesthesiology department with professional and expert attending physicians especially in the difficult and challenging airway management for diverse otorhinolaryngology patients as well as maxillofacial patients is very active. The pain fellowship program with an advanced operating room for the interventions is one of the special ones in the university. Moreover, all patients who are candidate for surgery are assessed in the preoperation clinic for the necessary evaluations before surgery.


  • Radiology

Imaging center of Amir A’alam hospital affiliated to TUMS, is among the oldest educational center of this university & Iran. As the hospital is a referral ENT center, radiologists are expert in the field of head & neck radiology as subspecialists.



  • Pathology

In addition, this hospital has the educational department of pathology which is one of the most active pathology centers in the university with an annual acceptance of nearly 8000 specimens, mostly in the field of head and neck surgery, that is the reason why this section has turned to one of the specialized center in head and neck pathology in the country.


All medical services in the above-mentioned listed fields are provided to the international patients.



Facilities and Equipment

  • Sinonasal endoscopy, laryngeal stroboscopy, sleep apnea test (PSG)
  • Imaging facilities (MRI, CT scan, X-ray, Ultrasound, Doppler TCD)
  • Laboratories: Pathology, Microbiology, Immunochemistry
  • Cardiology: ECG, Echocardiography, Exercise test
  • Upper GI endoscopy, Colonoscopy, Spirometry, EMG/NCV, EEG
  • Pharmacy


  • Coronary Care Unit
  • Intensive Care Unit
  • Library
  • Amir A’alam Research Center
  • ENT Research Center
  • Education Development Office(EDO)



International Patients Department

Amir A’alam Hospital is licensed for the admission of international patients. This license is been granted on March of 2016 to Amir A’alam Hospital Complex.According to this license Amir A’alam hospital is been authorized to provide medical services to international patients from all over the world. Therefore it can provide its medical services to all tourists that come to Iran.The International Patients Department has an exclusive therapeutic ward with many expert physicians and nurses in the unit.


Head of Hospital

Contact Person

Dr. Arash Jafarieh

Tel: (+9821) 66705390

Cell phone: (+98)9121254653


Mailing Address: Sa'adi Shomali Street, Darwazeh Doulat, the new building of Amir Alam Hospital, Tehran, Iran

Dr. Samira Alesaeidi

Tel: (+9821) 66727061


Mailing Address: Sa'adi Shomali Street, Darwazeh Doulat, the new building of Amir Alam Hospital, Tehran, Iran



Last Update At : 28 October 2019