The Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences

Message from Dean
Welcome to the In stitute of Pharmaceutical Sciences (TIPS). Our Institute houses some
of the nation's and internationals top researchers and educates some of the brightest
students in the national and international level. We are proud and honored by a strong
academic and technical staff and enriched scientific members, and welcome all aspects
of scientific col laboration with all scientific communities concerned with pharmaceutical
issues of individuals and communities.



Brief Overview 

The Pharmaceutical Sciences Research Center (PSRC) was offici ally upgraded to the
Institute of Pharmaceutica l Sciences (TIPS) by joining the following research centers:

  • Drug Design and Development Research Center (DDDRC)
  • Pharmaceutics Quality Assurance Research Center (PQARC)
  • Pharmacoeconomics and Pharmaceutical Management Research Center (PPMRC)
  • TIPS's scope includes different fields of drug development ranging from basic science to clinic and market.




  • Basic & clinical research in Pharmaceutica l Sciences from precl inical efficacy an safety to clinical outcomes
  • Quality control of pharmaceutical products
  • Design and synthesis of novel biomolecules
  • Cost-effectiveness studies on medications and healthcare policies




  • Knowledge transfer to the target groups and communit ies
  • Commercialization of know-how and applied sciences



Research Fields and Interests   International Collaborations
  • Bioactive Natural Products
  • Biomaterials
  • CancerTherapy
  • Chemometrics
  • Computational Chemistry
  • Design and Development of Novel Medicines
  • Evidence-Based Evaluation of Cost-Effect iveness and Clin ical Outcomes
  • ICU Pharmacotherapy
  • lmmunotherapy
  • Pharmaceutical Microbiology
  • Preventive Strategies in Neurodegeneration
  • Probiotics
  • Quality Control of Medicines and Supplements
  • Toxicology & Diseases
International Agreements:
  • Department of plant science of University of Pretoria, South Africa
  • Drug for Neglected Diseases initiative (DNDi), Geneva, Switzerland
  • Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences Research Center, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thai land
  • Hacettepe University, Turkey
  • Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU), Cyprus



Memberships   Degree and Non-degree programs
  • Society of Toxicology, Full Member, USA,
  • WLT (World Library of Toxicology)
  • WHO (World Hea lth Organisation), Guideline Developing Group for Prevention of Lead Poisoning, Member (Switzerland)
  • OPCW (Organization for Prohibition of Chemical Weapons)
  • Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE)
  • Member of Asia Consortium of International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research
  • European Association of Science Editors (EASE)
  • Association of European Toxicologists and European Societies of Toxicology (EUROTOX)
  • European Association of Poisons Centers and Clinical Toxicologists (EAPCCT)
  • The Cochrane Inflammatory Bowel Disease and Functional Bowel Disorders Group
  • The Cochrane Pregnancy and Childbirth Group
  • International Society of Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research (ISPOR)
  • Islamic-World Academy of Sciences (IAS, Fellow)
  • Society for Free Radical Research International
  • Asia Pacific Association of Medical Toxicology (APAMT)
  • World Association of Medical Editors (WAME)
  • American Academy of Clinical Toxicology (AACT)
  • International Society of Clinical Toxicology and Therapeutic Drug Monitoring
  • Society of Neurobehavioral Teratology
  • American Society of Pharmacology & Toxicology (ASPET) and FASEB

Degree Programs:

  • PhD by Research program
  • New-route PhD program
  • Fellowships

Non-degree Programs:

  • Post- Doc
  • Summer School
  • Short term academic visits



Faculty Members of Institute   Selected Publications of Institute 

Members with previous successful history of international students supervising:

- Mohammad Abdollahi, kclnU8AAAAJ&hl=en
- Mohsen Amini,
- Abbas Kebriaeezadeh,
https://www ir /faculties/kebriaee Abbas_Kebriaeezadeh
- Alireza Foroumadi,
- Mojtaba Mojtahedzadeh, citations ?user=Yl vZFYYAAAAJ
- Shekoufeh Nikfar, citations ?hl=en&user=F J PcgzoAAAAJ
More to read:

According to the highest citations:
1. Farzaei M, Zobeiri M, Parvizi F, et all. Curcumin in liver diseases: A systematic
review of the cellular mechanisms of oxidative stress and clinical perspective.
. 2018; 10(7):855.
2. Jalili-Baleh L, Babaei E, Abdpour S, et all. A review on flavonoid-based
scaffolds as multi-target-directed ligands (MTDLs) for Alzheimer's disease
European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. 2018; 152: 570-589.
3. Mostafalou S, Abdollahi M. The link of organophosphorus pesticides with
neurodegenerative and neurodevelopmental diseases based on evidence and
. Toxicology. 2018; 409: 44-52.
4. Hassani S, Akmal MR, Salek- Mghsoudi A, et al l. Novel label-free
electrochemical aptasensor for determination of Diazinon using gold
nanoparticles-modified screen-printed gold electrode
. Biosensors and
Bioelectronics. 2018; 120: 122-128.
5. Haghi- Aminjan H, Farhood B, Rahimifard M, et al l. The protective role of
melatonin in chemotherapy-induced nephrotoxicity: a review of non-clinical
. Expert Opinion on Drug Metabolism and Toxicology. 2018; 14(9):
6. Nikfar S, Saiyarsarai P, Tigabou TM, et all. Efficacy and safety of interleukin-1
antagonists in rheumatoid arthritis: a systematic review and meta-analysis
2018; Rheumatology International. 38(8):1363-1383.


Some achievements attributed to TIPS:

1. First rank between biomedical centers for the periods between 2005-2008, 2011-2012, and the year 2015;

2. First rank in the Razi Medical Festival for the years 2005-2008, 2011-2012, 2015;

3. Second rank in the Razi Medical Festival for the year 2009, and the period of 2013-2014;

4. Third rank in the Razi Medical Festival in 2010;

5. Practical successes and achievements:

5-1. Setting up many pre-clinical and clinical tests for new drugs and successfully completing tests for many registered drugs;

5-2. Conducting several projects to help solve the problems of pharmaceutical industries;

5-3. Establishing a successful link between basic and clinical studies;

5-4. Having a valuable impact on the scientific rank of TUMS for the last 15 years;

5-5. Training skilled manpower and establishing well-equipped laboratories as well as other facilities such as Flow cytometer, HPLC, ELISA-reader, Clean room, in vitro study facilities, NMR, Mass, IR, UV-Vis, etc.

6. Training more than 5 Ph.D. students who have already graduated from TIPS (formerly PSRC), as well as accepting more graduate students who are currently in the process of their studies.








Short-term Courses

Pharmaceutical Sciences



Pharmacology and Toxicology




Medicinal Chemistry



Pharmaceutical Biotechnology



Clinical Pharmacy





Drugs and Cosmetics Quality Control



 Evidence-Based Medicine

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Pharmaceutical Management & Pharmacoeconomics

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Pharmaceutical Biomaterials 

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Natural Pharmaceutical Products 

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Pharmaceutical Microbiology

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Clinical Toxicology


Critical Care Pharmacy



Co-founder and Head of the Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences   Deputy-Head for Research

Mohammad Abdollahi, Pharm.D., Ph.D., F.I.A.S.

Email: or

Tel.: (+ 98 21) 6412 2319

Fax: (+98 21) 6695 9104

Address: Division of Toxicology, Department of Toxicology & Pharmacology, School of Pharmacy, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Poursina St., Qods St., Tehran 1417614411, Iran


Mohsen Amin, Ph.D.


Tel.: (+98 21) 6649 4997

Fax: (+98 21) 6648 2704

Address: Room No. 1-221, School of Pharmacy, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Poursina St., Qods St., Tehran 1417614411, Iran



Zahra Bayrami:

Zahra Asgari:

Shabnam Kharabaf:


For more information about the members and activities of this institute, please refer to the main TIPS webpage.

All interested applicants are welcome to apply to TUMS by completing and submitting TUMS online application form in which they need to specify their program of interest and the center offering the program.


Last Update At : 10 July 2019