

At the TUMS, we are leading the way to new treatments and methods of care.



TUMS Identifies and considers research areas for development, especially in response to the national, regional and international demands and with respect to the establishment of centers and interdisciplinary programs. We are finding better and faster ways to translate our laboratory research into clinical trials for patients the only path to new treatments and cures. Our research serves as an economic engine that drives TUMS health industry. Read More>  


Research Resources at TUMS


One of the primary missions of the TUMS is to discover new treatments and cures. In this regards, we have established several research centers.

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To date, there are more than 20 international journals published by TUMS. They cover different subjects and publish hundreds of scientific articles from international authors yearly.

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Our academic staffs publish thousands of articles in intentional journals yearly. some of the selected articles have been listed in our website.

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Would you like to collaborate?



Medical School researchers can collaborate with experts from multiple disciplines, such as dentistry, nursing, pharmacy, public health, and veterinary medicine. Such collaboration enables our doctors to turn discoveries into preventions, treatments, and cures for diseases such as cancer and diabetes more quickly and efficiently.




Funding & Sponsorship


Office of IC-TUMS Vice Dean for Research Affairs is trying to bring to attention the updated list and link of the main international scholarship and grant opportunities which have been announced through well-known websites so that our academic membersand young researchers are informed of these opportunities and apply for them if appropriate.

Funding & Sponsorship>


Research Affairs

The office of Vice Dean for Research Affairs is to create an optimal environment in which all the research affairs at IC-TUMS (Undergraduate & Postgraduate levels) are carried out and managed based on Long-term Research policies. In addition, this office is to ensure that the policies of IC-TUMS are carried out according to the Defined Research Policies of TUMS in order to achieve the specified short-term and long-term goals. View the site>






News, Events & Seminars 


    News & Events 

  • Vice-Dean for Research & Tecnology: The main purpose of knowledged-based compenies activities is to transfer knowledge in to wealth,
  • Dr. Karimi Speach Program,
  • Note: PhD by Research Exam, 2019-2020,




  • Fifth Scientific Conference and the Golden Age of Nano Technology,
  • The National Congress on Oral Health Promotion, 












Last Update At : 21 July 2019