TUMS International Winter School 2024

TUMS International Winter School 2024

TUMS International Winter School 2024 is offered in 4 schools in collaboration with research centers.

School of Medicine

School of Pharmacy

School of Dentistry

School of Persian Medicine

03 – 07 February

27 January – 01 February

Fee Structure

Expenses for One-Week Package/ USD

Tuition Fee (Breakfast & Lunch included)




Airport transfer


Registration is NOW open

The application deadline is 10 January 2024

Apply online, request scholarship and get more information about the courses at https://en.tums.ac.ir/en  or simply scan the QR CODE


IVR.: (+9821) 8891 2090-93

Tel.: (+9821) 8891 2096

Admission: admission@tums.ac.ir

Marketing: marketing-gsia@tums.ac.ir

No. 21, Dameshq St., Vali-e Asr Ave., Tehran 1416753955, Iran