Clinical Nutrition and Nutritional Support

Courses Description:

This course is intended to introduce students to nutrition practice. Students develop knowledge and skill in clinical and dietary assessment methodologies and develop facility with medical terminology and practices. Beginning with current nutritional therapies, students construct nutritional recommendation protocols. Attention will be placed on development of nutritional practices to prevent and/or ameliorate disease.


Who is eligible to apply?

•  Qualified graduates of recognized universities, colleges or schools who hold an MD Degree, Pharm.D Degree, Bachelor’s degree in Dietetics, Nutritional Medicine, Nutritional Sciences as well as health care workers with a Bachelor’s or master degree in medical sciences

•  Students who are considered to have inadequate background in Nutrition maybe required to take additional prerequisite courses to make up for the deficiencies, without graduate credit.


 Courses Objectives:

By the end of the course students should understand and evaluate nutrition assessment data and develop a nutritional support plan for patients dealing with a wide range of clinical conditions.