Nutrition and Cancer

Courses Description:

This course covers the fundamentals of nutrition in cancer treatment and prevention. It provides clinicians with a review of the current literature and a scientific basis for the integration of nutrition in the prevention and supportive treatment of cancer.


Who is eligible to apply?

•  Qualified graduates of recognized universities, colleges or schools who hold an MD Degree, Pharm.D Degree, Bachelor’s degree in Dietetics, Nutritional Medicine, Nutritional Sciences as well as health care workers with a Bachelor’s or master degree in medical sciences

• Students who are considered to have inadequate background in Nutrition maybe required to take additional prerequisite courses to make up for the deficiencies, without graduate credit.


 Courses Objectives:

By the end of the course students will have fundamental understanding of how particular nutrients impact tumor promotion or prevention. Also identify the role of nutrition in integrative care of the oncology patients and evaluating the risks of nutritional recommendations for cancer prevention, treatment will be expected.