Those DDS and Pharmacy students who have been enrolled the ....

15 December 2019 | 13:50 Code : 100 Student News
Those DDS and Pharmacy students who have been enrolled the ....

Dear International students,

Those DDS and Pharmacy students who have been enrolled the course; Life Skill 1 (مهارت زندگی 1) on current semester (Sept. 2019), please notice that the above-mentioned course’s content has been uploaded on NAVID (virtual learning system) and students should read the material and submit the course works.

In order to enter into that website (NAVID), please follow the below instructions;

  1. Copy the link on your web Brower: and interred to the site.
  2. Select SIPAD icon (Enter your SIPAD system username and password)

Notice: If you see a problem in login through your SIPAD account, please try NAVID icon at the entrance page and use your email which submitted on your SIPAD system with the password: 123456

  1. Upon login to the system through the SIPAD icon, the system will ask to assign new username and password, which will then be your login details.

If you have any problem, contact your NAVID support system expert via below contact detail:

        Phone: 021-42036000    /    021-42036001    ext:101

Also, for next three weeks (30 Dec 19 till 02 Jan 20), there will be a one day (4 hrs.) workshop that the education office update you regard to the confirmed date and time. But, students should go through the course works before that date as they are part of their final mark assessments.