TUMS School of Medicine Organized a Two-Day Workshop on Thorax Dissection for Undergraduate Medical Students

Candidates for the workshop included first year undergraduate medical students, some of whom in their first semester and others in the second semester of their studies. The main objectives of the workshop were to study the anatomy of the human body in a hands-on setting, learn and practice basic dissection skills, and revisit anatomy with an immersive experience.
The workshop was led by Dr Gholam Reza Hasanzadeh, a full professor of Anatomy and Vice-Dean for Education. The workshop began with a classroom session, where students were introduced into various types of dissection instruments and their use during cadaver dissection. This was followed by a detailed thorax anatomy review and laboratory session where students performed cadaveric dissections. Students completed daily dissection assignment based on learning objectives for the day and were taught a variety of dissection techniques. Dissection sessions were guided by some PhD students in the Department of Anatomy, who accompanied the candidates to Kish Island for the workshop.
At the end of the workshop, candidates were given a certificate of participation to commemorate their presence for the hands-on training.
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