Course registration for Academic Year 2019-2020 Feb. semester

20 January 2020 | 14:19 Code : 119 Student News
In referencing the previse announcement regards to The course registration ....
Course registration for Academic Year 2019-2020 Feb. semester

Announcement 2

All International Students

In referencing the previse announcement regards to The course registration which will be starting from 25th till 28th January 2020 via the SIPAD system (online) Please check that your SIPAD got opened before that time to see the available courses with the details of dates and time of lectures.

  1. Please check the Feb. semester Academic Calendar from our website.

The students are reminded that university regulations state that fees are payable on demand, and they should therefore settle any outstanding balance on their account immediately. Please note that it is the student’s responsibility to pay the account on time.


How and Where to Pay


  • All at Once: Pay the whole year’s fees and any previous debt by 22 January 2020.
  • Address: 1st Floor, No. 21 Dameshgh St., Vali-e Asr Ave., 1416753955 Tehran.

Problems paying your fees?

The Department of Financial Affairs understands that, sometimes, students may face financial hardship. If you find yourself under such circumstances, please contact us as soon as possible. Please note that after reviewing and possibly accepting your request, you can pay at least 25% of any previous debt in the system (SIPAD) along with the whole year’s fees.


We are also aware that students may be dependent on funding from external sources in order to pay the fees. In order to avoid delays in receiving or calculating these funds, consider your scholarship before January 2020.

  • Termly: Split the yearly cost into two (2) termly instalments, September and January, based on your last scholarship. Payment of any previous debt is mandatory.



Tel.: (+98 21) 8893 3847 (Direct Line) – (+98 21) 8891 2091, Ext.: 104 or 107

Fax: (+98 21) 8892 5072


Please note

If you have not received your scholarship result yet, you need to consider your scholarship the same as your previous one.

Bank-to-Bank Transfer

Please ensure that you quote your 10-digit student number and details of what is being paid on the payment receipt or we will be unable to allocate your payment to your student account. Our bank details are:

Account name: Tehran University of Medical Sciences

Bank name: Bank Melli Iran

Bank address: 20459, Hamburg, Germany

Account No: 2599613007

IBAN: DE07 2021 0200 2599 6130 07



Account name: Tehran University of Medical Sciences

Bank name: Bank Melli Iran

Bank address: NO.1292,Enghelab Ave

Account No: 1008710001397

Swift Code: MELIIRTH087

Please note

Students must not make payments to the university’s bank account without the sender bank’s prior approval. Because of economic sanctions, your payments may not be transferred. Discuss this with your bank beforehand for further information.


Penalties for Non-payment


If you do not settle your debt with the university, some or all of the following actions may be taken:

  • suspension of your enrolment for coming semester (Jan.2020) ;
  • requirement for you to leave the university’s accommodation facilities if the debt is related to accommodation fees;
  • withholding of any examination results, certificates or confirmation of awards, including participation in the graduation ceremony if the debt is related to academic fees; and,
  • Recovery of your debt through the legal process, plus the costs incurred by the legal process which the University will also seek to recover.
  • Withholding housing allowance.