Tips to Protect Others If You Have Fever and Cough Symptoms

09 March 2020 | 00:00 Code : 134 News
Iranian Health Education and Promotion Association talks about the tips that you should follow if you have fever and cough symptoms.
Tips to Protect Others If You Have Fever and Cough Symptoms
  1. Notify others of your possible exposure to Coronavirus or having Coronavirus disease.

  2. Do not go to your workplace at all.

  3. Keep calm.

  4. Keep at least two meters away from other people.

  5. To protect others, never remove your mask from your face.

  6. Preferably, stay in a separate room with proper ventilation.

  7. Disinfect all the contact surfaces with 70% alcohol.

  8. Use separate utensils, dishes, and other personal belongings.

  9. Avoid being around your family and others.

  10. Wash your clothes separately and frequently disinfect your hands with 70% alcohol.

  11. Consider letting others know about your illness as something of value.

  12. Use separate towels and personal hygiene items.

  13. Rinse your home faucets frequently and disinfect them with 70% alcohol.

  14. After opening and closing the home faucet, rinse it with sodium hypochlorite (one glass of Whitex and 9 glasses of water).

  15. If you have a cough or fever, seek medical attention immediately.

  16. Minimize the number of times you leave your room and leave the room only when necessary.

  17. Make sure that the places you and other family members share, such as the kitchen and the washroom have proper ventilation.

  18. Take care of yourself as much as possible, and seek help from non-elderly people and those with no underlying illness if you need help.

  19. Keep away from non-elderly people and those with no underlying illness as much as possible.

  20. Parts of the room that you are in frequent contact with should be frequently washed and disinfected. These areas, such as bedside tables, bedsides and chairs, should be first cleaned with regular surface detergents and then disinfected with sodium hypochlorite.

  21. Make preventing family members, colleagues, and others from getting sick a top priority.

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