Pakistani Student of TUMS emphasized the importance of international students attending in university’s activities.

27 April 2019 | 10:46 Code : 17 News
In a brief talk with the Public Relations Department of the Deputy of International Affairs, Saddam Hossein, Medical Student in the Tehran University of Medical Sciences(TUMS) said: “Interest in educating abroad and close religious status between Iran and Pakistan is the reason I choose TUMS for education.” He mentioned that despite applications from universities in Australia, America and Europe, he chose TUMS based on his reasearches about this university and his compatriots experience.

He stated that because of the closeness in culture between two countries he had a great experience in TUMS so far and he also mentioned that communication with different nationalities in the university helped him overcome the stress of educating and now he has a lot of experience in this regard.

He talked about attending to International Festival for the 5th consecutive year: “ it seems that the presence of Iranian Students in a booth in the exhibition will be an opportunity to make new friendships and increase interactions.”

 He also stated that: “ being far from the family is a serious problem for international students and in this situation attending international cultural and sports events is a motivation to go on their journey in education in abroad.”

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