Updates for Educational processes for general doctoral (MD, MBBS, DDS, BDS and Pharm D.), undergraduate and postgraduate students which are ONLY applicable during the current health crises (CoVID-19); Semester Feb 2020

26 May 2020 | 11:47 Code : 170 Student News
Updates for Educational processes for general doctoral (MD, MBBS, DDS, BDS and Pharm D.), undergraduate and postgraduate students which are ONLY applicable during the current health crises (CoVID-19); Semester Feb 2020

Updates for Educational processes for general doctoral (MD, MBBS, DDS, BDS and Pharm D.), undergraduate and postgraduate students which are ONLY applicable during the current health crises (CoVID-19); Semester Feb 2020


  1. Participating in the theoretical classes of the units obtained by the students in the second semester of the academic year of 2019-2020 (Feb 2020), will be implemented virtually and 100% via NAVID system.
  2. The written exams of the current semester (Feb 2020) will be held online in the centers approved by the Tehran University of Medical Sciences in TEHRAN or KISH
    from 25 July 2020. (it’s mostly applied for students who are at basic sciences phases)
    1. Those MD and DDS students who are studying with domestic students at Medical or Dentistry schools should follow the exam date sheet which is published at there.
  3. It is possible to hold a number of end-of-semester (Feb 2020) exams for international students who are outside of Iran, If the right conditions according to the following is provided:
  1. Creating conditions to verify the identity of the students in abroad
  2. Coordination with embassies or consular offices in some countries, and run an examination by keeping a safe social distance.
  3. Conducting oral exams (via Skype, etc.) at the discretion of the relevant educational group and available facilities ONLY for graduate students

Note: The conditions to apply for holding the exams abroad vary according to the number of students, the type of course, the country of origin and the agreement of the educational group.

  1. Upon the request of the student (individually), the incomplete announcement of a maximum of 2 courses from the current semester (Feb 2020) units is applicable with the condition on the obtaining and passing of the mentioned courses in the nearest semester.

When those courses are presented (if possible) by TUMS, the passing score should be achieved in order to put in the student’s transcript. Otherwise, the course will be removed from the student’s term (Feb 2020) and the student is required to retake it.

  1. Requesting for Leave of Absences (LOA) or dropping of the current semester (Feb 2020) without considering in educational period and paying the fee can be proceeding individually before a month of end-of-semester (Feb 2020) exams.

Students’ request should be send to icedu@tums.ac.ir with complete information and detail of student’s.

  1. The maximum number of student’s units in the next semester Sept. 2020 (first semester of the academic year 2020-2021) can be 26 units, including new and incomplete units (mentioned in Article 3). (The restriction on unit selection will not be applied due to being in a conditional term (مشروط) in the second semester of the academic year of 2019-2020.)
  2. Participation in practical classes will be subjected to attendance in Iran and if the practical course is not completed, the status of the course will be announced incomplete. The students must obtain and pass the remaining practical courses in the nearest semester.

When those courses are presented (if possible) by TUMS, the passing score should be achieved in order to put in the student’s transcript. Otherwise, the course will be removed from the student’s term (Feb 2020) and the student is required to retake it.