Practical Timetable for Feb 2020 semester

Announcement 1
Practical Timetable for Feb 2020 semester
Dear International Students;
In referencing the previous NEWS about running the practical sessions, please notice that although the departments try to present the practical content via NAVID system but some of your practical sessions will be held in TUMS campus. Please find below timetable.
The courses with fixed practical session’s dates are;
- The Microbiology practical for MD and DDS will be held
5 days; from Saturday Jun 27,2020 till Wednesday July 1,2020
as a two groups (10-11:30 & 11:30-13) for grouping the CR contact educational office
@ Poursina Lab (in person)
- The Majority of Physiology practical for Pharm D students will be presented via NAVID system and only for two topics (EKG & Blood pressure) students should come to TUMS campus.
on Tuesday Jun 30,2020
as one group (8-10 & 10-12)
@ Poursina Lab (in person)
- The Organic Chemistry II practical for Pharm D students will start
6 days; from Saturday Jun 20,2020 each Sat. Mon.Wed. till Wednesday July 1,2020
as one group, two sessions per day (13:00-17:00)
@ Behesht ICTUMS campus (in person)
- The Parasitology practical for Pharm D students will be held
4 days; from Saturday July 4,2020 till Tuesday July 7,2020
as one group, three sessions per day (08:00-15:00)
@ Poursina Lab (in person)
- The Clinical Biochemistry practical for MD term 2. Although the whole content presented via NAVID system but there is 3 days in person classes
3 days; On Saturday Jun 20,2020 & Sunday Jun 21,2020 & Tuesday July 13,2020
as two groups (08-09:30 & 10-11:30) for grouping the CR contact educational office
@ Poursina Lab (in person)
- The Majority of Physiology practical (Cardiovascular and Respiratory block) for MD students will be presented via NAVID system and only for two topics (EKG & Blood pressure) students should come to TUMS campus.
on Tuesday July 14,2020
as one group (8-10 & 10-12)
@ Poursina Lab (in person)
- The Cell & Molecules (practical) – Biochemistry practical - for MD term 1 at KISH. Although the whole content presented via NAVID system but there is 4 days in person classes
4 days; On Wednesday July 01,2020 & Thursday July 02,2020 & Tuesday July 07,2020 final session on Wednesday July 08,2020
as four groups (08-09:30 & 10-11:30 & 13-14:30 & 15-16:30) for grouping the CR contact educational office at KISH.
- The Parasitology (practical) for MD term 5 at KISH.
date |
day |
8-10 |
10-12 |
13-15 |
15-17 |
6/27/2020 |
Saturday |
Laboratory Diagnosis of Amoeba |
Laboratory Diagnosis of Amoeba |
Human Coccidians |
Human Coccidians |
6/28/2020 |
Sunday |
Laboratory Diagnosis of Leishmania |
Laboratory Diagnosis of Leishmania |
Laboratory Diagnosis of Trematodes |
Laboratory Diagnosis of Trematodes |
6/29/2020 |
Monday |
Entomology |
Entomology |
Helminthology |
Helminthology |
07/12/2020 |
Sunday |
Nematodes 1 |
Nematodes 1 |
Nematodes 2 |
Nematodes 2 |
07/13/2020 |
Monday |
Laboratory Diagnosis of Malaria Parasites |
Laboratory Diagnosis of Malaria Parasites |
- The Pathology practical for MD and DDS was presented 100% virtual via your NAVID system.
- The Immunology practical for MD, DDS and Pharm D will be held 100% virtual via your NAVID system.
- The Oral health and Community practical will be present as a virtual tour of Clinical dental section and the score of the course is depend on your score from theoretical part.
- The Urinary System Physiology practical (osmosis function) for MD will be held 100% virtual via your NAVID system.
- For couple of courses; Pharmaceutics II, III practical, Physiochemical Control of Drugs practical, Pharmacology 2 practical, Microbial Control of Drugs practical and Anatomical Sciences (MD & DDS) courses the timetable and the plan will be announced soon.