Abraham Assan joined the WHO Health Systems Research Program

27 July 2020 | 09:05 Code : 194 Alumni News
Abraham Assan joined the WHO Health Systems Research Program

We are proud to announce that TUMS alumni, Abraham Assan, joined the Alliance Young Professionals (YP) in Health Systems Research Program of WHO.

The Alliance for Health Policy and Systems Research as an international partnership hosted by the World Health Organization works to improve the health of those in low- and middle-income countries by supporting the generation and use of evidence that strengthens health systems.

Abraham Assan graduated with a Public Health Master's degree from TUMS at 2013. Then, he continued his studies achieving a PhD from TUMS in health policy at 2015.

The program was launched at the end of 2019 as an opportunity for highly motivated early-career researchers to gain stronger insights into health policy and systems research and become future advocates for the field.

Wish him very success in his new position in Geneva, Switzerland!

We are proud to announce that TUMS alumni, Abraham Assan, joined the Alliance Young Professionals (YP) in Health Systems Research Program of WHO.

The Alliance for Health Policy and Systems Research as an international partnership hosted by the World Health Organization works to improve the health of those in low- and middle-income countries by supporting the generation and use of evidence that strengthens health systems.

Abraham Assan graduated with a Public Health Master's degree from TUMS at 2013. Then, he continued his studies achieving a PhD from TUMS in health policy at 2015.

The program was launched at the end of 2019 as an opportunity for highly motivated early-career researchers to gain stronger insights into health policy and systems research and become future advocates for the field.

Wish him very success in his new position in Geneva, Switzerland! More>


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