Physical Training Feb 2020 Examination Announcement

10 August 2020 | 11:59 Code : 204 Student News
Physical Training Feb 2020 Examination Announcement

Physical Training, I &II Feb 2020 Examination Announcement


All International Student, who enrolled in course; Physical Training I and Physical Training II (in Tehran campus), please note that above-mentioned course’s Final Examination will be held online via portal system on Tuesday August 18, 2020 by 13:30.

To know how to get an access to exam portal, please follow the instruction;

Logging to the exam portal

Note1: For the courses which The Educational Affairs of ICTUMS are scheduled their examinations, students should use their Student Identification (SID) number as USERNAME and your registered passport number in SIPAD system as the unique PASSWORD.


For registered international student:

To know and get your password, you need to login to your SIPAD system and by following the below steps, you can find the passport number that is registered in your SIPAD system.

(attention: The passport number may belong to the time that you came to TUMS which is not a matter here. Please use that Code as your exam center’s password and do not try your new passport number!)

If you cannot login to your SIPAD system, please email us


Signing in to your SIPAD system → change the language to ENGLISH → Student Affairs → International Affairs Dashboard→ on the box above the page you can see registered passport number at SIPAD system.

In order to enter the online electronic exam, please consider the following points;

  • To enter the exam, please insert the address:
  • Enter your username & password
  • Click to enter the test to start it.

If there is no problem, a box will appear and you will see the following message:



  •  Test: _____
  • Your exam will be held on ________ at ________.
  • Server time: _____________.
  • Close the window then at the definite time re-enter.
  • Confirm


Note2: By login to the exam portal, the system automatically will inform you for the recent upcoming exam! 

Note3: Please, those who are going to be at TUMS exam centers, should be in examination center 30 before the exam time with your SID card.

Note4: You should check your access a DAY before the exam date and in case of any problem in logging to the exam portal system please contact 

Note5: The exam will start sharp at mentioned date and time, and students can only join the exam within the first 5 minutes when the exam starts. After, that period of time, the exam portal system will NOT let you participate in the examination and your status will be absent in exam (score=Zero).

Note6: To keep the safety of the examination in good standard and exclude any possible cheating during the ONLINE examination, each question will be shown in one page (stem of the questions and options) and within the exact time (45 second), students should answer it. 
Also, you cannot return to the previous question at any steps and should submit your answer within 45 second.
Students themselves should manage their total timing and answer each question within the standard time.

Note7: After making sure that the test is complete, click on the end of the test option. It should be noted that when you click on the end of the test, you will be out of the test and you will not be able to return.
Note8: On above the exam’s page, you can see the exam countdown (timer) and by reaching to the end, the portal system will automatically, log you out and you will not be able to return.

Based on the decision of Physical training department, those international students who have PT 1 or 2 should read the below pamphlet and be prepared for the online examination. 
Link to Download the Physical education pamphlet:
Please do not hesitate contact us should you require information 
Best Luck for your exam