Meeting Between TUMS Vice Chancellor for Global Strategies and International Affairs and Chief Representative of Japan International Cooperation Agency (JAICA) in Iran Regarding Joint Educational Cooperation

Dr. Kordi started the meeting explaining the history of TUMS and its potential for international collaborations in the world. Also, referring to the university's products in the field of pharmaceutical technologies, Dr. Kordi stated: “One third of the drugs produced in the country are made by the TUMS School of Pharmacy. On the subject of providing services to the Covid-19 patients, Dr. Kordi said that six of the TUMS’ hospitals are providing services to the Covid-19 patients. TUMS Vice-Chancellor concluded his speech by referring to the successful collaboration between TUMS and Japanese institutes and stating that TUMS faculty members have 265 joint publications with Japanese academic members in last 5 years and Japan is ranked 15th among universities that have collaboration with TUMS in publication.
Then Taro Azumo, Chief Representative of JICA in Iran, gave an introduction about their institute and named technical cooperation, grants and loan as their proprieties to cooperate with Iran; JICA Chief representative said that they choose specific policy of related countries to collaborate with them and for Iran they have specific policy as well. Mr. Azuma indicated their interest to support developing countries such as Afghanistan in partnership with Iran. Moreover, he informed the audience about the possibility of offering grants in the fields of science and technology as sustainable development (SATREPTS) projects.
He added that applicants can apply for that grant from September 2021. Mr. Azuma referred to implementing capacity building projects in Arash Hospital and said that TUMS could request for that as well. Mr. Azumo also pointed to the holding of two online training courses on ‘hospital management’ and ‘non-communicable diseases’ by a professor from Keio University of Medical Sciences and stated: "These courses will be held on November 10 and 11, 2020, and professors and faculty members of TUMS can participate in these courses."
Additionally, the TUMS Director for International Relations, Dr. Mohammad H. Nekoofar, briefly explained about establishing the Desk for International Cooperation between TUMS and Japan and the importance of collaboration with that country. He also asked Dr. Vijeh, TUMS faculty member and the Head of Desk for International Cooperation between TUMS and Japan to follow up the suggestions conveyed by Japanese side in order to accomplish TUMS goals at international levels. Director of TUMS International Relations stated: “Aimed at educating students from less developed countries, students from these countries, especially from Africa, are currently studying at TUMS, and with JICA's support, it will be possible to provide educational opportunities for more of this group of students. While expressing delight with the cooperation of Dr. Mohammad Abdollahi, a TUMS prominent faculty member, with JICA in designing and conducting a toxicology course for a group of Afghan students, Dr. Nekoofar also suggested that training courses on receiving a SATREPTS grant be held for the TUMS professors and faculty members by JICA.
Dr. Nekoofar also added that TUMS intends to increase its hospital beds to 9,000 beds next year, and expressed hope that with the cooperation of JICA's office in Iran, the defined assistance can be used for capacity building and equipment. In conclusion, Dr. Kordi welcomed all kind of scientific collaboration with Japanese institutes specifically JICA. He said that in case of accepting students from less developed countries, group acceptance is of grate of importance for TUMS to get access to more quality educational classes. He also offered joint degree program or double degree program to JICA.
In this meeting which was held on October 21 2020, Dr. Ramin Kordi, TUMS Vice-Chancellor for Global Strategies and International Affairs; Dr. Nekoofar, Director of International Relations; Dr. Mohsen Vijeh Head of Desk for International Cooperation between TUMS and Japan; Mr. Taro Azuma, Chief Representative of JICA; Satushi Kawamorita, Representative of JICA; Dr. Adel Mazlumi and Dr. Fardin Amid, Advisory board of Desk for International Cooperation between TUMS and Japan; and Dr. Mohammad Abdollahi, TUMS academic member participated.
Reported by Mahnaz Vahidi
Translated by Sepideh Javedanfard
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