Treaty between Tehran University of Medical Sciences and Soleymaniyeh Polytechnique University of Iraq

15 May 2019 | 09:06 Code : 29 News
Aimed to fulfill the Memorandum of Understanding between Tehran University of Medical Sciences and the Soleymaniyeh Polytechnique University of Iraq, 3 Treaties between the School of Nursing and Midwifery, School of Allied Medical Sciences, and School of Public Health with related schools of the Soleymanie Polytechnique University of Iraq was signed.

Dr. Hadian, the Dean of School of Rehabilitation, and the director for the Scientific Cooperation Desk of Iran and the Kurdistan Region of Iraq announced: “ A panel with presence of Dr. Fazel Ahmad Mohey-of-Din, the Director of Higher Education Committee, Dr. Marivan Abdollah, the Director of Laboratory Sciences Department, and Dr. Salar Ebrahim Ali, the Director of Nursing and Public Health Department, of Soleymaniye Polytechnique University were guests of Tehran University of Medical Sciences from May 5th to 8th, 2019. “

He stated: “ the Memorandum of Understanding between two universities was signed in October 2018, and was prescribed that TUMS will have 3 High Diploma courses in different fields in Nursing, Allied Medical, and Public Health majors.

“There had been 3 treaties between Departments of Soleymanie Polytechnique University and the School of Nursing and Midwifery, School of Allied Medical Sciences and School of Public Health. In this regard, Clinical Courses for Staffs of this university accept 5 staff in each course for the School of Nursing and Midwifery in fields of Pediatric Nursing, Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, Intensive Care Unit, and Peri-operative Nursing. “ He said.

He also added: “ In the School of Allied Medical Sciences, Laboratory Sciences field and in the School of Public Health, Maternal-child nursing, Primary Health Care, and Health Care Services are parts of this treaty.”

It should be mentioned that Dr. Hadian was presenting for Dr. Kordi, the Vice-Chancellor for Global Strategies and International Affairs in these meetings.

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