Production of FDG Radiopharmaceuticals at Shariati Hospital Nuclear Medicine Center on a Trial Basis

28 December 2020 | 13:17 Code : 306 News
Cyclotron of the Shariati Hospital Nuclear Medicine Center produced the first dose of FDG radiopharmaceutical for testing.
Production of FDG Radiopharmaceuticals at Shariati Hospital Nuclear Medicine Center on a Trial Basis

FDG radiopharmaceutical, fluorodeoxyglucose, is used to diagnose and determine treatment plans for patients with various types of cancer, cardiovascular and neurological diseases. Specialists can tell the difference between healthy tissue and unhealthy tissue by injecting the radioactive drug and performing a PET scan on the patient.


Dr. Davood Beigi, a nuclear pharmacologist at TUMS Shariati Hospital, said: "We will use the drug produced by the center's cyclotron for patients for the next few weeks after performing reproducibility tests and quality control."


Until now, the radiopharmaceuticals needed by the Nuclear Medicine Center were transmitted from the Atomic Energy Organization and from Karaj to Tehran. With the production of this radiopharmaceutical, in addition to the patients of the Nuclear Medicine Center, other hospitals in need of radiopharmaceuticals will be provided with FDG radiopharmaceutical in Tehran, and the amount of production can be provided for the daily use of at least 40 patients.


According to Dr. Beigi, this cyclotron is a hospital cyclotron and can be used to produce carbon 11 and other radiopharmaceuticals.

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