Physical Training February 2021 Examination Announcement

30 May 2021 | 10:02 Code : 382 Student News
Physical Training February 2021 Examination Announcement

Physical Training February 2021 Examination Announcement

All International Student, who enrolled in course; Physical Training I and Physical Training II (in Tehran campus), please note that above-mentioned course’s Final Examination will be held online via portal system on Tuesday July 202021.

Physical Training 1 (ALL STUDENTS)

Final EXAM @11:00am

Physical Training 2 (Tehran Campus ONLY)

Final EXAM @13:30

Based on the decision of Physical training department, those international students who have PT 1 and PT 2 should read the below pamphlets; Physical Education1 pamphlet and An Introduction to Basketball pamphlet, respectively and be prepared for the online examination. 

Link to Download the Physical education pamphlets:

For PT1

For PT2

Please do not hesitate contact us should you require information   

Best Luck for your exam