Interview with TUMS Alumni

30 August 2021 | 11:48 Code : 407 Alumni News
Interview with TUMS Alumni

  1. Please introduce yourself with your major and level of studies here at TUMS?

I am Freshta Amiry Master’s of Public Health in Nutrition

  1. What made you to come to Iran in order to continue your career? And how was TUMS on your first impression? How is TUMS in reality now?

 I came to Iran because of the language, religion and culture similarities. At first time when I came to TUMS I didn’t feel that I am foreigner here. TUMS is a good university in my point of view.

  1. Why did you choose this field?

I choose public Health in Nutrition sciences because my country needs professionals in this field.

  1. Apart from your studies, tell us about your experience in using university’s facilities like laboratory and library. What other facilities were you waiting for during your studies? 

To be honest, I didn’t use the facilities of TUMS at all.

  1. Do you have any plan to pursue your education in Iran? Why? Why not?

I would like to pursue my PhD at TUMS because I am now familiar with here.

  1. What is your current position in your country?

I am an assistant professor at KUMS in my country.

  1. If you were TUMS Dean, what would you do for international students?

If I were the dean of TUMS, I would provide a lots of facilities for international students such as free workshops in every fields. specially about research and about the insurance of international students and making predisposition for free time for visiting different part of Iran.

  1. Do you have any message for TUMS family (authorities, professors, staffs and students) before leaving the country?

I thank all members of TUMS, but for professor specially supervisor of thesises have more time for international students they don’t spend time for guidance just they introduce MSc ‘s to PhD ‘s and don’t help them with their final project work. The international affairs should screen the process of the international student’s problem’s during their educations.  Supervisors of thesis should dedicate more time working with international students.

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