The Representatives of Charité University and Robert Koch Institute of Germany Visited TUMS and Met with Some University Officials

The visit was conducted by a delegation consisting of representatives of Charité University and Robert Koch Institute following the signing of the MOU between TUMS and Charité University in October 2021.
During the visit, which was coordinated by the TUMS Vice Chancellor for International Affairs, the German delegation visited the Sina Hospital’s Pharmaceutical Care Department and the NGS Laboratory of the School of Public Health, and also met with a group of university officials.
Site Visit 1: Sina Hospital
The first visit of the German delegation was to the General ICU and Pharmaceutical Care department of Sina Hospital, where they were introduced to the services of the hospital's clinical pharmacists. During this visit, Dr. Najmeddin, Head of Pharmaceutical Care Department of Sina Hospital, Dr. Hadidi, Clinical Pharmacy Specialist and Dr. Mojtahedzadeh, Professor of Clinical Pharmacy, explained about pharmaceutical care services in TUMS’ hospitals and holding international fellowship programs in “Clinical Pharmacy in Intensive Care” and the importance of the presence of the pharmacotherapy team in ICU and the personalizing treatment for each individual, especially in the field of antibiotic therapy and how to treat and manage patients with sepsis in that unit.
In the end, it was suggested that due to the absence of pharmacists in the team of Charité Hospital, cooperation between the intensive care unit of Charité University and the Sina’s ICU Clinical Pharmacotherapy team be established to share and exchange experiences.
Site Visit 2: School of Public Health
The German delegation also visited the NGS laboratory of the School of Public Health.
During the visit, Dr. Mokhtari Azad, Head of the Virology Department, explained the activities carried out in this laboratory. The visiting delegation and laboratory officials also exchanged views on mutual cooperation, including joint training workshops and exchange of researchers.
Meeting with TUMS Officials:
At the end of the visit, the German delegation met with Dr. Ayati, and several other international university officials.
At first, Dr. Ayati gave a brief introduction about the TUMS faculties, research centers and teaching hospitals and also mentioned that the university service centers are providing services to about 3 million people in Tehran. He added that the university ranking is 94th in Asia and 800-601 in the World Times Ranking System, 351-400 in the QS Ranking System and 478th in the Webometrics World.
Then Dr. Nekoofar, TUMS Director of International Relations, introduced the most important programs and activities of the university in the field of international relations and various projects supported by the European Union, such as Erasmus and Erasmus Plus.
Dr. Nekoofar also explained about the collaboration desks and leading houses established in the university and the significant number of cooperation agreements and MOUs between the university and other universities in the world. Other TUMS officials at the meeting, emphasizing the university's desire to develop international cooperation, made suggestions on collaboration with Charité University and the Robert Koch Institute.
Then, Dr. Joachim Seybold, the representative of Charité University, appreciated the opportunity to visit the facilities and capabilities of TUMS. He noted that the German Ministry of Health is very interested in supporting projects that facilitate the education of Afghan immigrants in Iran. Dr. Joachim Seybold also spoke about the importance of telemedicine and the interest in collaborating in this field.
Dr. Wiltrud Abels, another delegation member from Charité University, described the Experience which was gained through cooperation of this university with one of the Uzbek hospitals in the field of telemedicine.
Then, Dr. Muna Abu Sin, the representative of Robert Koch Institute, spoke about the Koch Institute's experience in using telemedicine to treat African patients and educate medical residents.
At the end of the meeting, Dr. Ayati refered to the recent Memorandum of Understanding signed between TUMS and Charité University on the sidelines of the 13th World Health Summit and emphasized on the interest of TUMS in long-term and effective cooperation with Charité University. He stressed the need to plan and develop a roadmap for Continuation and development of cooperation between the two universities, and introduced Dr. Nekoofar as the TUMS’ representative in order to develop a roadmap with the cooperation of the representative of Charité University. Dr. Ayati also suggested an MOU being signed between TUMS and Robert Koch Institute of Germany.
Finally, welcoming the expansion of the TUMS cooperation with the M8 Alliance, Dr. Ayati stated that TUMS is interested in having a greater role in next year's meeting of the M8 Alliance than in previous years.
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