Course Registration for Academic Year 2019-2020 Sept. Semester

15 July 2019 | 10:07 Code : 45 Student News
The course registration period will be starting from 31 August till September 03 2019 via the SIPAD ......

Announcement 1

Course Registration for Academic Year 2019-2020 Sept. Semester
All Undergraduate International Students

The course registration period will be starting from 31 August till September 03 2019 via the SIPAD system (online). Please check that your SIPAD has been opened till that time to see the available course with the details of dates and time of lectures.

Based on the Educational regulation related to course registration for each Academic semester: (Chapter one, Article 3-1)

The students who enrolled in TUMS-IC in each term have to obtain their respective credits from educational departments. If the student does not enroll himself/herself in one term without the approval of the educational office or without appropriate reason, he/she would be expelled from their respective program.


The classes will be started from Saturday September 21, 2019.


It is the responsibility of each student to track his/her own academic standing and financial issues.

Note 2:

Attendance for each lectures is compulsory as normal semester. Please do not take any course with clash.

Note 3:

There would a limit in number of applicant for each course. If you leave the course registration to the last moment you may lose your place.