Academic Year 2021-2022 Feb. semester International Students

Academic Year 2021-2022
Feb. semester
International Students
Facing rising a NEW COVID-19 variant (omicron) infection, ICTUMS has once again thwarted in seeking a move to normalcy and, hold on-campus classes and in some cases, revert to virtual lectures.
ICTUMS education office overhauls the Academic Calendar for 2nd Semester 2021-2022 and is delaying the start of the on-campus classes to April 3, 2022 in order to estimate the current pandemic condition. Therefore, Intl Students need to check their TUMS LMS (NAVID) system for any notification and virtual contents.
These changes are due to keeping the highly transmissible omicron variant away from campus and International Students at ICTUMS.
ICTUMS should obey the Health policy of Iran in case of emergency conditions and the Educational Office of ICTUMS will inform the students about any updates via its website.