The Final result for March 2022 Comprehensive Basic Sciences examination

Dear Students,
The Final result for March 2022 Comprehensive Basic Sciences examination has been published for Medical and dentistry Students and the Comprehensive 180 credits exam for Pharmacy student which was based on the National Examination.
Congratulations on reaching the goal for those MD & DDS and Pharmacy Students who passed (قبول) successfully the Comprehensive Examination and enter the next Clinical phase at ICTUMS.
There is no secret to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure. Well done! A lot of people would like to move mountains, but few of them are willing to practice on small hills. Congratulations on completing this first stage of your future career!
Also, for those who cannot make it this time, I would like to point out, that this result neither questions your scientific qualification nor your commitment to education. Please keep in mind that passing this phase is extremely competitive and the number of passed students is limited.
Based on the routine process of Medicine and Dentistry School, and the Educational office of ICTUMS those students who weren’t passed the Exam (failed -مردود), should participate in the oncoming; Sept 2022 Basic Sciences Examination. The current term (Feb 2022) courses for those who are in the clinical/physio-path phase will be removed from their academic record and they cannot attend their final examinations. Latest updates regard to this case will be delivered to you after April 4, 2022.
Those MD students who are studying their 5th term of the MD/MBBS program, can be carrying on their courses and should prepare for September 2022 comprehensive examination.
The course registration for the Next term Sept 2022 on the academic year 2021-2022, is subjected to the success in Sept 2022 Basic Sciences Examination for all mentioned students.
Best wishes for continued success.
Best Regards
Educational Affaires of ICTUMS
Below you can check your SID to know the final pass/Fail result and your score. The cut-off passing mark for *an international* Dentistry, Medical and Pharmacy students are 76, 83 and 86 respectively.