International E-Symposium
precision medicine is focused on the idea that a particular disease causes different physical symptoms in different individuals depending on their genome structure, lifestyle, and environmental factors. With the aim to explore, discuss and dissect the recent advances and innovations in precision medicine, the International E- Symposium on the theme “PRECISION MEDICINE: Emerging Trends in Health Care” will be held on 28 April 2022 by virtual mode. Symposium will have renowned scientists, academicians,
healthcare professionals, and bioinformaticians as featured speakers who will sprinkle us with their plethora of knowledge. The scientific session will address current challenges and opportunities in Precision Medicine including relevant aspects such as Pharmacogenomics and Therapeutic Protein. This Symposium will be open for clinical pharmacologists, hospital pharmacists, general pharmacists, healthcare practitioners, medical and pharmacy students, laboratory technicians, regulators, healthcare insurers and others interested in pharmacogenomics.

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