Latest Update for " Tarh Ziyafat summer 2022

Latest Update for " Tarh Ziyafat summer 2022 "
Dear Students
In referencing of registeration for the summer courses; Islamic Revolution of Iran & Introduction to Religion 2 as an educational-cultural-recreational camp; " Tarh Ziyafat 2022 " during the summer 2022 for all TUMS Int'l students, please note the below information;
The time of on campus lectures;
This camp will be held as a blended learning course in two weeks (in person & online)
- Start date of the on campus part: July 23rd to July 29th in Tehran.
- Lecture: from 8:00am till 12:00
- Cultural-recreational event: 16:00 till 20:00
- The date of the virtual part: 1st till 4th August 2022
- Lecture: from 8:00am till 12:00
Course presenter:
Introduction to religion: Hujjat al-Islam Mrs. AleYamin
Islamic Revlution of Iran: Hujjat al-Islam Mr. Hamza Ali Sheikh Tabar
The venue of On campus lectures;
No.25, Hujatdust St., Hujatdust building,
Group A: @ America Lecture Room
Group B: @ Australia Lecture Room
Please check your name in the groups and participate at the right location for your lectures.
Please subscribe to the following Telegram channel to be informed of our next information:
If you encounter any questions, please contact the officials of this project and join the whatsApp group below:
Note: The attendance in all the on comps sessions is required to announced the Final mark. Therefore, poor attendance of the students on the lectures will be resulted as removing the students' name from the Final assessment list.