Information regarding money deposit in Iran for International Students

03 January 2023 | 14:14 Code : 599 Student News
Information regarding money deposit in Iran for International Students

From January 1, 2023, all international students only have to pay tuition fees at the Melli Bank of the university branch.

  • Please ensure that you quote your student's full name, passport number and 10-digit student ID number and details of what is being paid on the payment receipt or we will be unable to allocate your payment to your student account.

  • After payment, students are required to submit their receipts to the financial office and get the new receipt registered in Sipad from the financial affairs.

  • It is necessary to have a FIDA Code (FARAGIR Code) to perform banking operations.

            (Refer to Consular affairs office at dameshgh building to get it).

  • Bank working hours are from 8:00 AM to 1:30 PM and the account information is as follows:

Account name: Tehran University of Medical Sciences

Bank name: Bank Melli Iran

Bank address: NO.1292, Enghelab Ave

Account No: 20087700421