Information regarding money deposit in Iran for International Students

From January 1, 2023, all international students only have to pay tuition fees at the Melli Bank of the university branch.
- Please ensure that you quote your student's full name, passport number and 10-digit student ID number and details of what is being paid on the payment receipt or we will be unable to allocate your payment to your student account.
- After payment, students are required to submit their receipts to the financial office and get the new receipt registered in Sipad from the financial affairs.
- It is necessary to have a FIDA Code (FARAGIR Code) to perform banking operations.
(Refer to Consular affairs office at dameshgh building to get it).
- Bank working hours are from 8:00 AM to 1:30 PM and the account information is as follows:
Account name: Tehran University of Medical Sciences
Bank name: Bank Melli Iran
Bank address: NO.1292, Enghelab Ave
Account No: 20087700421