Hejab through My Eyes Writing Competition

29 July 2023 | 14:20 Code : 634 Cultral Affairs News
Dear students, • The writings should be in English and typed. • The text of the writing should not exceed one A4 page • Font size:12 and font of text: Times New Roman
Hejab through My Eyes Writing Competition

Dear students,

• The writings should be in English and typed.

• The text of the writing should not exceed one A4 page

• Font size:12  and font of text: Times New Roman

In honor of Hejab and Hejab Week, office of vice dean for student and cultural affairs intends to hold a writing competition on the topic of Hejab (Hejab through My Eyes). Therefore, we kindly ask interested international students (male and female) to submit their writings about Hejab to this office by the date 25th of July 2023. Students who submit the most beautiful writings will be awarded valuable prizes through a lottery. Please notice that:

 the writing is accompanied by relevant photos, it will receive extra points.

• Deadline for submission: 25th of July 2023

• Email for submissions: icsa@tums.ac.ir

• Full name, student ID number, cell phone number, email address, and field of study should be written at the end of the writing.

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