Prof. Tjaard Hoogenraad at ICGH 2012

01 December 2012 | 08:37 Code : 805 News
The 12th Iranian Congress on Gastroenterology and Hepatology(ICGH) organized by Iranian Association of Gastroenterology and Hepatology (IAGH) had the honor of Prof. Tjaard Hoogenraad presence among its international lecturers.
Prof. Tjaard  Hoogenraad  at ICGH 2012

The 12th Iranian Congress on Gastroenterology and Hepatology(ICGH) organized by Iranian Association of Gastroenterology and Hepatology (IAGH) had the honor of having Prof. Tjaard Hoogenraad, the author of Wilson's Disease, from University Hospital, Utrecht, Netherlands,  presence among its international lecturers.


The book Wilson's Disease, covers history, prevalence, genetics, pathology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment of   Wilson's disease, an inherited copper toxicosis which is a condition that affects the central nervous system and liver, which appears in childhood or early adulthood. Though the condition is rare, it is vital that physicians are aware of its clinical manifestations, treatments can be very successful if diagnosed before irreversible organ damage has occurred. Prof. Tjaard Hoogenraad gave a comprehensive guide to effective early diagnosis and treatment of Wilson's Disease, using a series of fascinating case studies to bring out the degrees of effective patient management. In addition, he provided an in-depth review of current information on the etiology and pathogenesis of the disease, plus practical guidance on new diagnostic tests and therapies. Drawing on his own extensive experience with Wilson's Disease patients, and presenting an informed perspective on literature available on this topic, Dr. Hoogenraad has produced the most complete and up-to-date clinically oriented monograph currently available on this disease.


Tjaard Hoogenraad's distinction between analytic and intuitive thinking is of topical interest, those made intuitively are often the best. Hoogenraad's research on Paradigm Shift in Treatment of Alzheimer's Disease: Zinc Therapy Now a Conscientious Choice for Care of Individual Patients  is also one of his achievements.

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