In referencing the previous notifications from Financial and Educational Office of ICTUMS

04 November 2019 | 13:45 Code : 83 Student News
those students who has not selected any courses in current semester (September 2019) ...
In referencing the previous notifications from Financial and Educational Office of ICTUMS

Dear International Students

In referencing the previous notifications from Financial and Educational Office of ICTUMS, those students who has not selected any courses in current semester (September 2019), and NOT clear their Educational and Financial status, their SIPAD system got closed. In order to solve the problem, we strongly recommend you to approach in person to the Educational office of ICTUMS at 3rd floor, Building No. 25, Hujat dust St., at your earliest time.

It is obvious that not paying attention to this matter have serious consequences in your Studding status at ICTUMS and the responsibility is all yours.

Best regards