Holding GEMINI Biennial Meeting by DDRI

02 July 2014 | 07:28 Code : 935 News
The biennial meeting of GEMINI research group (which stands for Gastro-Esophageal Malignancies in North of Iran) was held on June 24 and 25, 2014 by the Digestive Diseases Research Institute (DDRI) and Iranian Association of Gastroenterology and Hepatology (IAGH) in Tehran University of Medical Sciences.
Holding GEMINI Biennial Meeting by DDRI

In this international two-day meeting, several scientists were present, including those from USA’s National Cancer Institute, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, Morgan State University and Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (WHO-IARC), Japan’s Asian Cohort Consortium, Federal University of Santa Maria from Brazil, the Institute of Oncology of Vilnius University from Lithuania, and Tehran University of Medical Sciences. Researchers from about 12 local universities working on the national cohort projects and researchers form the Iranian National Institute of Cancer attended this conference as well.


Latest findings of the Golestan Cohort Study, conducted in Golestan province, the nested studies within the Cohort, and findings of other ongoing studies in the Digestive Diseases Research Institute were presented in the meeting. Also, latest status of Poly-Iran, an ongoing pragmatic clinical trial within the Golestan Cohort Study, was reviewed. Finally, new proposals and ideas were discussed.
It is worth mentioning that GEMINI research group consists of researchers from DDRI, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Golestan University of Medical Sciences, NCI, WHO-IARC, and several prestigious American and European universities, and its main goal is to investigate the burden of upper gastrointestinal cancers and other chronic diseases in Golestan. GEMINI 2012 meeting was held in Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York City. Also, after this meeting, GEMINI group visited the site of Golestan province cohort.

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