Workshop in titled “Principles of Security and Personal Protection”

08 December 2019 | 08:12 Code : 96 Student News
Workshop in titled “Principles of Security and Personal Protection”

Dear International Students

In accordance to the Board of ICTUMS Directors decision on the necessity of acquiring a Certificate of Attendance for the Workshop in titled “Principles of Security and Personal Protection” as well as submitting a Health Record to the Student Affairs of ICTUMS prior to the commencement of the second semester 2019-2020 (February 2020), we strongly recommend you to approach in person to the Student Affairs office of ICTUMC at 4th floor, Building No. 25, Hujat dust St., at your earliest time within next two weeks .

It is obvious that not paying attention to this matter will have serious consequences in your Studying status at ICTUMS and the responsibility is all yours.

Best regards