Interview with Kabir Magaji Hamid, Ph.D. Student in Immunology

Interviewer (Emmanuel Adutwum): Good morning Mr. Kabir
Mr. Kabir Magaji Hamid: It is my pleasure to be with you.
- Would you briefly describe yourself?
- Well, in appearance, I am African, slim, with average height. In terms of behavior, I can say that I am very cordial, well-disciplined and peaceful.
- When and where were you born?
- I was born on June 11th in the ancient city of Kano, Nigeria.
- What was your primary motivation for going to university?
- My interest is to receive higher education in order to serve humanity, and this aim could only be achieved through university-level education. Going to university was my dream during my childhood, and I am proud to have finally achieved it.
- Tell us of an achievement of which you are particularly proud.
- What I am particularly proud of is my ability to do things within the shortest possible time. I have achieved many important things in my life within a short period of time, and this has been one of my personal qualities in which I take pride. I remember conducting my research during my first degree. It was my first research study but with courage, determination and punctuality, I was able to finish my task far earlier than my other colleagues.
- Who or what has had the greatest influence on the development of your career interest?
- Prayer, for guidance and success, and all my family members have been with me throughout my life’s career for both support and encouragement.
- Any particular reason why you choose to study at TUMS?
- I realized TUMS is one of the renowned universities, especially in Middle East, and the entire world. Before my application, I searched the university’s website, and I was satisfied with what I saw, coupled with the information I obtained from Nigerian students who had already studied in Iran. TUMS is also rated as the best medical university in Iran, and, as I am always striving for the best, TUMS is definitely the launching pad for me.
- How would you rate TUMS administration in terms of responses to students’ inquiries and problems?
- From my experience, I can say they deserve to be rated highly in many aspects, and, personally, I am satisfied, and I appreciate their efforts. They’re caring and have a zeal to help their students.
- How has your department been helpful in working towards achieving your goals?
- They are ever ready to listen and solve my problems without any dilly-dally to the level of my satisfaction. This has sped up my progress in the program without any difficulty.
- How have you succeeded in the field of immunology where so many others have failed?
- I completed many things within short a period of time. I work ahead of time, thus I am ahead of others. I always set a target for myself and work hard towards achieving it. This has been my greatest strength.
- What’s your favorite sports team?
- The Spanish giant Real Madrid F.C.
- How did this team attract you?
- Through their performance in the past and present national and international competitions.
- Any expectations this season for this team?
- Of course, to retain their status as UEFA champions and to achieve more awards and win more trophies.
- Do you have any other memories or personal experiences that could help my readers further understand who you are?
- I am professional regarding my major and profession. I discharge my commitments and daily activities professionally, that is with great care and precision.
- It was nice talking with you!
- You are welcome. Thanks for having me.
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