Guideline on Acquiring Permanent Exit Permission



Students who have graduated need to observe the following points:


1. Upon finishing their studies, students who intend to permanently exit Iran need to receive the financial settlement (clearance) form from the International Campus’s Office of Deputy for Education.


2. This form, after being filled out by the student, must be signed and stamped by the International Campus’s Office of Deputy for Education and relevant departments and offices.


3. In order to acquire your Permanent Exit Letter, please provide below documents and refer to the Visa and Consular Affairs Office at the Directorate of International Affairs and Development.


Hours for Submitting Documents: Saturdays to Wednesdays, 10:00 to 13:00


4. Required documents are as follows:

  1. Original passport
  2. Two 3*4 pictures
  3. Two copies of your passport’s information page (first page)
  4. One copy of your residency permission
  5. One copy of your Police Dept. ID Label (it is on your last page of your passport)
  6. Completed Application form for Exit permission.
  7. The clearance form which should be signed and seal by respected offices.
    • The form will be provided to the students at the Educational office of TUMS
  8. Deposit 20,000 Rials (2,000 Tomans).


5. After submitting your documents to the Visa and Consular Affairs Office, your Permanent Exit permission will be prepared after 25 working days and you can receive your passport, which will carry the Permanent Exit Stamp. Note the necessary amount of time for acquiring an exit permit when reserving or purchasing your travel tickets.

Highly recommended: do not purchase your travel ticket before receiving exit permission


6. In case the student does not exit the country during this time, he or she must refer to the Visa and Consular Affairs Office at TUMS Directorate of International Affairs and Development in order to extend the permission which last for 5 working days.


Please observe the following notice:

A. Students whose passports are near to their expiration date need to renew their passports via their countries' embassy in Tehran, and then proceed with obtaining the residency extension stamp with their already expired passport. Students whose countries do not have an embassy in Iran need to refer the Visa and Consular Affairs office at TUMS Directorate of International Affairs and Development, for consultation and further information.


B. In case you proceed with renewing your passport in your country of citizenship during your trip, you must have your old passport, containing previous residency stamps and student visa, with you in order to be able to return to Iran. In order to transfer all legal permissions from your old passport to your new one.


Please, for consultation and further information refer to the Visa and Consular Affairs office at TUMS Directorate of International Affairs and Development.


Address: No. 21, Dameshgh St., Vali-e Asr Ave., Tehran 1416753955, Iran.

Tel.: (+98 21) 88898531 or (+98 21) 8889 6694 - Ext.: 151, 154 and 167

Last Update At : 25 December 2022