Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility Training Course



TUMS is the oldest and most well-known medical center in Iran, nationally as well as internationally. TUMS, as one of the country’s top research universities, accepts applications from the most qualified students. It also has the largest schools of medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, rehabilitation, allied medical sciences, public health, advanced technologies in medicine, nutritional sciences and dietetics, and nursing and midwifery in Iran as well as a virtual school.


Tehran University of Medical Sciences

School of Medicine

Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology


Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility

Vali-é Asr Hospital, Tehran, Iran



The Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility Center is actively involved in each of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology’s clinical, research and educational missions, striving to bring evidence-based, compassionate, quality care to the women of Iran.
We are pleased to announce our opening to receive outstanding students in our Center.  The program is a eight-week experience that will expose students to the fields of infertility and endocrinology in a variety of settings. Participants will have the opportunity to meet and work with current students, faculty and staff, as well as practicing researchers.  The charge is $1000 while financial assistance can be offered to outstanding students who show excellence and a passion.


The Center provides in-depth exposure to the field of Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility to fellowship residents and medical students.  Trainees receive considerable scientific experience in the evaluation and treatment of infertility and the management of reproductive endocrine disorders associated with ovarian dysfunction such as amenorrhea, abnormal uterine bleeding, galactorrhea, hirsutism and polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).  Training is also provided in advanced operative endoscopy and microsurgery at Vali-é Asr Hospital.

Our Clinical Strengths and Expertise

The Center offers a full range of diagnostic and treatment options for women with reproductive problems.  The physicians in the reproductive endocrinology and infertility section will work with the patient to determine the best management approach. 

Some of the services include:
- Evaluation and Treatment for Endocrine Disorders
- Abnormal Uterine Bleeding
- Amenorrhea
- Galactorrhea
- Dysmenorrhea
- Ovulation Induction
- Medical and Surgical Treatment for Endometriosis
- Artificial Insemination
- In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) with or without Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI)
- Tubal Ligation Reversal
- Laparoscopy and hysteroscopic surgery
- Treatment of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome in PCOS Clinic


Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a condition characterized by a hormone imbalance, leading to ovarian dysfunction and resulting in menstrual disturbance (e.g. infrequent or absent periods; prolonged periods) and lack of ovulation.  Consequently, PCOS is the most common cause of female infertility.  As a result of the hormonal imbalance, women with PCOS often have excessive facial or body hair, acne beyond adolescence or scalp hair loss.  Metabolic abnormalities such as insulin resistance and high cholesterol that predispose to diabetes and cardiovascular disease are often present in PCOS.  A comprehensive evaluation is offered to diagnose PCOS and a number of treatments are available to improve hormonal and metabolic status, regulate menstrual periods, control excess hair or acne and induce ovulation for fertility.

Research in Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility

With infertility affecting so many couples each year, clinical research is important in order to develop new techniques and treatments. The Vali-é Asr Deputy for Research in the Reproductive Health & Research Center (VRHRC) serves as the coordinator of the Reproductive Endocrine and Infertility Department and the Research Center for Advanced Research in Reproduction and Infertility, a joint endeavor between the Departments of Obstetrics & Gynecology. The Center for Advanced Research has dedicated IVF laboratory space and animal lab as well as genetic lab.
A permanent research scientist, a PhD by research student will be appointed yearly as of 2012.  The PhD by research is the highest degree awarded and is the gateway to an exciting career in research.  PhD by research is an extremely challenging and rewarding method of study and is not tied to a particular area of professional practice, but can lead to a broad range of careers in academia and research.
The scientific board, in addition to their role with the Section of Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility, are also engaged with Minimally Invasive Surgery including laparoscopy and hysteroscopy. Research funding and support in the form of research personnel are provided to accomplish projects related to all aspects of human reproduction.  Randomized clinical trials comparing all modalities in the treatment of PCOS has been completed and is now being applied in the PCOS Clinic. The results have been published in both national and international peer-reviewed journal.
Other reproductive endocrinology projects are investigating the mechanism by which endometriosis impairs fertility, In addition, studies related to outcome of in vitro fertilization are in progress. Our research programs are both clinical and basic. There are a variety of ongoing endoscopic surgery research projects in our Center. There are also a large number of ongoing basic research projects in the field of reproductive endocrinology within the Reproductive Health Research Center.
The Center is involved in ongoing clinical research aimed at optimizing diagnostic capabilities in the management of infertility and PCOS, and improving health outcomes in the field of in vitro fertilization (IVF). 

Clinical Services

Reproductive endocrinology and fertility physicians are Obstetrician-Gynecologists who have had additional training in the treatment of reproductive disorders that affect children, women, men, the mature woman, and infertility in both men and women.
Exposure to these educational opportunities are accomplished through several venues which are based at either the Infertility Clinic or IVF/or Genetic Lab in Vali-é Asr Hospital.

Educational Objectives

The mission of the Reproductive Endocrinology/Infertility Service at Vali-é Asr university based Hospital is intended to provide the following objectives for medical student education:
- A comprehensive experience in the anatomy, embryology, genetics, endocrinology, pathology, and physiology of reproduction.
- A comprehensive experience in the diagnosis and management of reproductive dysfunction (Infertility) or reproductive control (contraception).
- A comprehensive experience in the diagnosis and management of common endocrinopathies experienced in a gynecological practice.
- Experience in hormonal and surgical management of menstrual disorders.
- A comprehensive experience in the diagnosis and management of the symptoms and squeal of the menopause (including osteoporosis).
- Observation of microsurgical, operative laparoscopic and hysteroscopic procedures.
- Observation of trans-abdominal and trans-vaginal ultrasound.
- Exposure to Medical Informatics and Internet-based learning.
- Observation of Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) procedures.

Reproductive Genetics

Reproductive Genetics offers a clinical experience dealing with patients and couples with genetic or genetically-related disorders seen in obstetrical practice. This includes couples with problems of infertility, pregnancy wastage, and factors contributing to adverse pregnancy outcome. Opportunity will be provided to participate in genetic screening and counseling, prenatal diagnosis by amniocentesis, chronic villus sampling or cordocentesis, teratogen counseling, and other approaches useful in the application of the most current genetic knowledge to obstetrical practice.

Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility, Operating Room

With instructor’s permission, exposure to the office practice of reproductive endocrinology and infertility will take place; observation of pelvic and surgical reconstructive procedures, with emphasis on operative laparoscopy, will be included. Evaluation of patients in reproductive endocrinology clinic, exposure to in vitro fertilization and other assisted reproductive technologies will be available.


Clinical Module in Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility for Medical Students


The Center remains extremely active in medical student teaching. Dr. Rashidi is the author and director of the module in the infertility department. In this program, students utilize highly structured objectives, resource guides, web and computer-based materials to learn on their own. The course curriculum is organized into interdisciplinary study units called modules, arranged by reproductive systems, focusing on normal human (healthy) and pathophysiology of reproductive endocrinology and infertility in the first week and IVF and genetic laboratory and laparoscopic and hysteroscopic surgery in the second week.
- Anatomic factors
- Immunologic Factors
- Inherited Thrombophilias
- Endocrine Factors
- Infectious Causes
- Environmental Factors
- Unexplained Recurrent Pregnancy Loss
- Summary of Evaluation and Treatment for Recurrent
- Pregnancy Loss
- The Pathogenesis of Endometriosis
- Epidemiology of Endometriosis
- Diagnosis of Endometriosis
- Medical Treatment
- Surgical Treatment
- Prevention of Infertility
Each student will be required to give an oral topic presentation to the GYN residents and attending as well as submit a written case write-up.


Grading of student experience is based on attendance, general knowledge of REI, oral presentation, global rating scale of operative performance, and professionalism. During the rotation, the student is required to read selected chapters from Speroff, and will take a test covering the information presented in each chapter prior to completing the rotation.
Students are evaluated on their clinical performance by faculty and residents (60%) acumen of gynecologic history acquisition and examination via the Clinical Skills Assessment (10%), and an examination of their fund of knowledge by taking the Obstetrics and Gynecology department (30%).

Other Responsibilities

The rotation also provides an excellent opportunity for the student to begin writing his/her favorite research paper in human reproduction and reproductive endocrinology field.

Suggested Readings

Leon Speroff, Clinical Gynecologic Endocrinology and Infertility, ISBN-13: 978-0683303797
Human Reproduction, Fertility and Sterility Journals (Red) - current editions


Please visit Vali-é Asr Hospital 's website for related info.

Interested international students need to complete and submit our online application form.


Apply Here.

Last Update At : 12 June 2019