Medicine (MD/MBBS)

 MD Curriculum MD 2014 - 2018
  MD 2014 - 2018  (Transitional  Curr.) 
  MD 2018
  M.B.B.S 2019


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Chapter One - Registration and Entrance Prerequisites

Article 1) Prerequisites for entering the MD course are as follows:

1-1-Having high school diploma approved by the Islamic Republic of Iran (IRI).

1-2-Being allowed continuing education according to the current rules of IRI.

1-3-Having mental and physical health according to the approved criteria of great council of scheduling medical sciences.

Note 1: If a student does not embed mental and physical health for the MD course, s/he will not be allowed to continue studying in this course based on the viewpoint of medical council of university’s international campus.

Note 2: Handing high school diploma (old system or pre-university degree for new system) at the time of registration is obligatory by the end of first semester and handing the original diploma of high school or original diploma of pre-university degree is obligatory maximum by one year after the registration.

Article 2) Admitted students are bound to refer to the related university or college for registration at certain times assigned by the international campus of the university. Not referring for registration by the first semester after admission it will be considered as withdrawal from studying.

Article 3) A student is bound to refer to the department of education for continuing studies and taking units in every semester at assigned times by university.  Not doing so for one semester without excused reason will be considered as withdrawal from studying and the student will be excluded.

Article 3-1) The students who enrolled in TUMSIC in each term have to obtain their respective credits from educational departments. If the student does not enroll him/her in one term without the approval of the educational office or without appropriate reason, he/she would be expelled from their respective program.

Note: In exceptional cases which the student considers his/her withdrawal excused, the written reasons of that should be delivered to the department of education maximum by one month before the end of that very semester. If the educational council of international campus accepts the genuineness of the provided excuses, that semester will be accounted as the allowed period of studying and a leave of absence will be issued for that semester.

Chapter Two - Educational System

Article 4) The MD course is based on unit-selecting system.

Article 5) In unit-selecting system the scale of a course will be based on the number of units in that course and passing or failing in a course will be limited to that very course.

Article 6) Every course unit is a scale for that course the terms of which are respectively 17 hours for theoretical units, 34 hours for scientific (laboratory) units, and 68 hours for internship  in one semester (or summer term). All of these will be taught according to the approved program of great council of scheduling.

Article 7) The program for the MD course is as follows:

Stage 1: General courses and basic sciences

Stage 2:  Physiopathology

Stage 3: Clinical training

Stage 4: Clinical internship

Pre-clinical and clinical for MD course

Pre-clinical period will be assigned to general courses and basic sciences (stage one), physiopathology (stage two) and clinical period will be assigned to training (stage three) and internship (stage four).

Article 8) In pre-clinical stages of MD course, each educational year is made up of two semesters and one summer term if bearing the necessary prerequisites. Each semester is made up of 17 educational weeks and summer term is made up of 6 educational weeks based on the terms mentioned in article 7.

Note 1: Duration of final examination of each semester or summer term will not be counted in those 17 and 6 weeks respectively.

Note 2: In critical and exceptional cases, such as natural disasters or when the professor is sick and so on, the students of that course(s) are allowed to take the course in less than 17 weeks and the syllabus will be taught in shorter period according to the related college’s suggestion. This will happen only if the sum of instruction time does not decrease the terms mentioned in article 7 of this piece of regulations and participating in all the classes according to the timing is also obligatory.

Article 9) In clinical period, each semester bears some theoretical, practical and training courses. Number of sections in clinical periods in each semester will be determined by the educational council of the university’s international campus based on the needed time period for education.

Article 10) The school of medicine of international campus is bound to carry the educational plan and syllabus assigned by the great council of scheduling. 

Note 1: Order of courses considering the prerequisites, scheduling the studying program of students during the semester, teaching methodology and changing terms and introducing new course contents and selecting references are all included as the obligations of the universities and colleges of medical sciences. Obviously, the sources for formal examination of basic sciences and pre-internship will be determined by archival of educational council of general medicine.

Universities which have less than three rounds of MD graduates should endeavor to modify their curriculum with the supervision of educational council of MD archival. 

Article 11) At the end of stage one there will be held a formal examination of basic sciences and passing this examination will be a prerequisite for entering the next stage.

Note 1: Passing all the courses of stage one (basic sciences course and general course) and obtaining the average of 12 in this stage will be a prerequisite for participating in the formal examination of basic sciences. Yet, in the circumstances when the student has only one general course s/he can participate in the formal examination of basic sciences and if s/he is admitted in the formal examination, that left course will be taken in the next stage. Obviously, the score of this course will affect the average of the next stage scores.

Note 2: If scores obtained in some courses passed by the student are not announced by the time of formal examination, the student will participate in the examination under conditions. If the student fails in that course after the announcement of formal examination’s score or passes the course but the average does not reach 12, the result of formal examination will be considered null and void. The participated exam will not be considered as one of the allowed times in which a student can take the formal examination but the student will not be allowed to participate in the next formal examination even under conditions unless s/he passes the failed course and obtain the necessary average score.

Article 12) Participation in the formal examination of basic sciences is allowed up to three times. If the student does not obtain passing score in this examination s/he will be excluded from continuing the MD course.

Note 1: Unexcused absence in the formal examination of basic sciences will be considered as one of the allowed times for participating in this exam.

Note 2: The student who is excluded from continuing studies in the medicine course due to failure in the final examination of basic sciences can change his/her course of study into integrated or disintegrated B.Sc. level. This is also for students who are excluded from continuing studies in PhD courses based on the Course Changing Instruction of MD, dental sciences and pharmacy. This bill was approved in the 26th session of great council of scheduling medical sciences dated at July 18th, 2004.

Article 13) Passing all the courses of stage two and obtaining average of 12 in this stage are the prerequisites of entering stage three.

Article 14) Clinical training includes theoretical courses, training at the patient’s bed, health care training and outpatient treatment. These will be prepared in the hospitals’ clinics and health service centers of the country. Adding clinics to this is only permitted if the rights and conditions of patients are met and also supervision and permission of educational great council of university’s international campus is needed.

Note 1: Passing 20 months for internship is necessary for all the students during this period according to the approved program.

Note 2: The maximum time of internship at the patient’s bed in the hospitals should not exceed 50% of the internship period.

Article 15) At the end of stage three there will be held a formal examination of pre-internship and passing this examination will be a prerequisite for training period.

Note 1: Passing all the courses and sections of clinical internship and obtaining a total average of 14 and setting the dissertation subject are all prerequisites of participating in the formal examination of pre-internship.

Note 2: If the score of some courses or sections that the student has passed and participated in their exams are not announced by the set time, the student will participate in that examination under conditions. If the student fails in those courses or passes but the average of stage three does not reach 14, the result of the formal examination will be considered null and void. However, the aforementioned examination will not be considered as one of the allowed times in which a student can take the formal examination. But the student will not be permitted to participate in the next formal examination even under conditions unless s/he passes the failed course and obtain the necessary average score.

Article 16) Participation in the formal examination of pre-internship is allowed up to three times.

Note: students who are excluded from continuing studies in the medicine course due to failure in the formal examination of pre-internship can change their course of study to one of Integrated or Disintegrated B.Sc. level according to the instructions mentioned in Note 2 of Article 13.

Article 17) Internship course will take 18 months and passing 17 months of internship is obligatory according to the approved program. Students can benefit from one month time off.

Chapter Three - Course Units and Education Period

Article 18) Minimum number of passed units for graduation from the MD course of medicine is in accordance with the approved program of that course in the great council of scheduling of the university’s campus.

Article 19) In the pre-clinical period of the MD course, each student should take minimum of 12 and maximum of 20 units per semester.

Note 1: Students can disobey the condition of “minimum 12 units” in the last semester of each of the pre-clinical sections.

Note 2: If the total average score of a student is at least 17 in a semester she/he can take up to 24 units with the suggestion of the advisor and agreement of the college.

Note 3: If the student has been left with maximum 24 units to pass a section, she/he can take all those units provided that s/he was not conditional in the previous semester. This should all be done with the agreement of the college.

Note 4: The student is not permitted to take more than 6 units in summer term.

Article 20) In necessary situations the department of education and international campus of medical college can offer some prerequisite courses to better the readiness of student to continue studies.

Note 4: One semester will be added to the allotted time of education for those students who have passed at least 8 units of the prerequisite courses.

Article 21) The maximum allotted time for educating in the MD course is 10 years, 5 years of which is given to pass the first and the second stages of medical education and the 5 remaining years will be allocated to passing the third and fourth stages.

Note 1: Students who cannot pass the formal examination of basic sciences in the first 4years of medical education or finish the first and second stages of medical education within the first 5years are to be excluded from continuing studies. If the average score of the passed units is at least 10, the student can change the course of study based on the instructions of Note 2 of Article 13.

Note 2: The duration of education can be extended to maximum 12 more months for those students who could not finish the internship course in 3 years from the beginning of clinical course or could not finish the third and fourth stage within 5 years. This is possible only when the allowed time of education is not finished for students and the great education council of university’s campus approves the situation.

Chapter Four - Presence and Absence

Article 22) Presence of the student is obligatory in all the sessions related to the courses, internship and training periods. Not being present in every session will be considered as absence.

Article 23) The absence hours of a student should not exceed 4/17 in theoretical, 2/17 in practical and laboratorial and 1/17 in internship and training sessions. Otherwise, the score for that course or section will be considered as zero.

Note 1: Allowed absences in Article 24 are accepted provided that students bring in documents for that and the related professor approves it. Acting against absences (either excused or not) will be the decision of the professor and agreement of the college.

Note 2: If the number absences exceed the determined number in Article 23 but the educational council of university’s campus considers them excused, that course will be dropped. In this situation following “the minimum 12 units” for each semester will not be obligatory but that very semester will be considered as a whole semester in the educational history of the student.

Article 24) Unexcused absences in examination of each course or section will be considered as zero and excused absences will be a cause for that course or section to be dropped. Determining the genuineness of excused absences in the final examinations will be upon the educational council of the university.

Chapter Five - Adding and Dropping

Article 25) A student can drop or add maximum two courses in every semester of pre-clinical stage until two weeks after the beginning of the semester. A student can either change two of the added courses with two other ones provided that the number of taken units does not exceed the amount mentioned in article 20.

Note 1: Absences during the first two weeks due to adding and dropping period or any other reasons are not permitted and if committed will be considered as the allowed number of absences mentioned in article 24 and the terms of that article will be executed.

Note 2: Adding and dropping will not be possible in summer term.

Article 26) In emergency situations the student can drop only one of his/her courses before the related examination in the first stage of medical education with the agreement of department of education. Provided that firstly student’s absents do not exceed 4/17 in theoretical and 2/17 in practical and laboratorial courses and secondly the remained units should not be less than12.

Article 28) Dropping all the taken courses in a semester is possible before the beginning of final examinations only if the educational council of university’s campus determines that the student is not able to continue education in that semester. In this case, a leave of absence will be issued for that student. Counting this leave of absence among the allowed time of education for that student will be upon the educational council of the university’s campus.

Note: dropping all the taken courses of summer term is only possible maximum by the beginning of the final examinations of that course and this is followed by the approval of the educational department of the university’s campus.

Article 27) Dropping or changing the section in each of the clinical stages is only possible within the set time by the educational department of college and that should be followed by the approval of the educational department of college.Article 25) A student can drop or add maximum two courses in every semester of pre-clinical stage until two weeks after the beginning of the semester. A student can either change two of the added courses with two other ones provided that the number of taken units does not exceed the amount mentioned in article 20.

Note 1: Absences during the first two weeks due to adding and dropping period or any other reasons are not permitted and if committed will be considered as the allowed number of absences mentioned in article 24 and the terms of that article will be executed.

Note 2: Adding and dropping will not be possible in summer term.

Article 26) In emergency situations the student can drop only one of his/her courses before the related examination in the first stage of medical education with the agreement of department of education. Provided that firstly student’s absents do not exceed 4/17 in theoretical and 2/17 in practical and laboratorial courses and secondly the remained units should not be less than12.

Article 28) Dropping all the taken courses in a semester is possible before the beginning of final examinations only if the educational council of university’s campus determines that the student is not able to continue education in that semester. In this case, a leave of absence will be issued for that student. Counting this leave of absence among the allowed time of education for that student will be upon the educational council of the university’s campus.

Note: dropping all the taken courses of summer term is only possible maximum by the beginning of the final examinations of that course and this is followed by the approval of the educational department of the university’s campus.

Article 27) Dropping or changing the section in each of the clinical stages is only possible within the set time by the educational department of college and that should be followed by the approval of the educational department of college.

Chapter Six - Assessing the Student’s Educational Development

Article 28) The educational progress of every student is done based on the class participation and activities, doing well in the educational activities. Besides, final examination results will also be involved. Moreover, the related professor will also be a source of progress for every student.

Article 29) progress the educational development of students in clinical courses will be done by observing the following terms:

29-1- Obeying Islamic and professional ethics and providing appropriate relations with the patients, visitors and employees

29-2- Participating regularly in all the classes and related sections and staying the set shifts based on the scheduled programs of the section

29-3- Paying attention to the given tasks and having sense of conscientiousness according to the set rules including providing and completing the patients’ medical records, book log, portfolios, etc.

29-4- Expanding skills and benefiting from the clinical internship and training courses

29-5- Participating in the final examination and obtaining necessary score next to the regular assessment done by the professor in three phases of knowledge, skill, and attitude

Article 30) Final examination of theoretical courses will be written and should be taken at the end of each semester of pre-clinical courses.

Note: Clinical examinations will be given at the end of each section.

Article 31) The result of educational progress which is based on terms of Articles 30 and 31 will be announced by scores. Score of each student in each course or section will range between zero to twenty.

Article 32) Minimum passing score for courses of stages one and two will be 10 and the minimum total average of these stages will be 12. Minimum passing score for theoretical courses of clinical internship and sections related to stages three and four is also 12. And the minimum total average of each of these stages will be 14. Students who do not obtain the minimum passing score for either of the courses or section is bound to retake those courses or sections in the earliest set time. However, all scores including passed or failed will be put in the score record and will be calculated in the average score.

Note: Each of theoretical and practical courses have separate scores, but the score for theoretical-practical courses which are considered as one united course will be the average of the two theoretical and practical sections separately based on their course index. If the average of the two theoretical and practical sections does not reach 10 or score of one of them grows less than 8, even the average reaches 10, both the sections must be retaken.

Article 33) Professors are bound to announce the final score of students in a course or section maximum by 10 days after the final examination day and that should be declared to the college’s department of education.

Note: After the announcement of final scores by the department of education each student can submit his/her written objection to the same department for further inspection maximum by 3days after the announcement.

Article 34) Department of education in the medical college or related organ in the international campus are bound to officially hand in the final scores maximum by two weeks after the examination day of each semester and after objections have been reconsidered and possible lapses have been overcame.

Note: Scores will not be changed after they have been handed in to the department of education office.

Article 35) At the end of each semester of the pre-clinical course, total average score in that semester and the total average score of the whole course up to that semester will be calculated and at the end of each of the MD courses the total average score of the student will be put in the score record.

Note: To calculate the average score, the number of units in that course or section will be multiplied by that course’s index and the sum of multiplied results will be divided into total unit numbers that the student has achieved passing or failing score.

Note 2: Summer term will not be accounted as a semester since the scores obtained in the summer term will only affect the total average of the whole related stage.

Article 36) Average scores of students should not grow less than 12 in any of the pre-clinical semesters of medical education. Otherwise, registration for the next semester will be under conditions.

Note 1: In cases which the number of units offered by the university is less than 12, that semester will not be accounted as the educational years of the student. But if the average grows below the stated amount that semester will be accounted as a conditional one. In cases which the number of units grows less than 12 due to students’ problems in any of the educational medicine stages, that semester will be accounted as educational years of that student and if the average grows low that semester will be a conditional one.

Note 2: University is bound to inform the student and his/her parents about the conditional status of the student in written form and one copy of that should be kept in the student’s records. This way no default will be on the warning from the university and nothing would impede the process of law execution.

Article 37) A student who registers under conditions, even in the last semester of each of pre-clinical stages, is not allowed to take more than 14 units in that semester.

Note: In special cases, deciding on whether or not to provide the conditional student with more than 14 units in the last semester of each of the pre-clinical stages of medical education will be upon the educational council of the university’s campus. In either scenario, this number should never exceed 20.

Article 38) The total average of student in the end of each of the first and second stages should not grow less than 12 and the total score average of student in the end of each of the third and fourth stage should not grow less than 14. Students who obtain lower scores than the aforementioned limits can retake those courses which were below 12 or 14 provided that their allowed time of education in that stage is not expired. Otherwise, they will not be allowed to proceed to the next stage or even graduate. Obviously, the scores for the retaken courses will be put in the score record of the student and will be calculated in the total average scores.

Note 1: If the student retakes the courses whose scores were lower than 14 to compensate the average score of each of the third or fourth stages of the MD course and obtains higher scores than 14 but still the average score is not compensated, that student can again retake those course (although they were higher than 14) to compensate the average in the related stage. This should be done by observing other rules of the education system. Obviously, the newly added scores will be put in the score record of the student and will be calculate in the total average of each semester.

Note 2: If the scores of a student in any of the courses or sections grow less than 12, 13, 14 and tries to compensate those scores by retaking the course or section but again fails, all the obtained scores including passed, failed or repetitive ones will be calculated and if the total average of that stage reaches the passing limit, that passing score which was achieved formerly will be accounted and the student will be allowed to proceed to the next stage. If the total average of a stage does not reach the passing limit the student is failed and should retake the course or section even though it has been passed formerly.

Note 3: If a student does not want or like to use the aforementioned opportunity or uses the opportunity but fails in compensating his/her total average can changes his/her course of study to other levels of education regarding Associates degree and integrated or disintegrated B.Sc. based on terms of Note 2 of Article 13 of this instruction.

Article 39) A student who fails for three consecutive semesters or four alternate semesters will be excluded from continuing studying. If the average of passed units is at least 10, that student can change the course of study to one of integrated or disintegrated B.Sc. levels, or Associate degreeThe student who is excluded from continuing education due to the abundance of conditional semesters can submit to start studying in all fields of study except the previous one and can register in his/her interested major if admitted. The new university can accept the already-passed units and adapt them to the program of that university.

Chapter Seven - Educational Leave and Withdrawal from Study

Article 40) The student can benefit from educational leave after passing one semester during the pre-clinical stages up to two consecutive educational semesters and maximum 6 months of educational leave which will ,of course, be considered as educational years.

Note 1: Accepting the educational leave request in the first semester will be upon educational council of the university’s campus.

Note 2: The period for educational leave will be considered among the maximum allotted time of every student’s education.

Note 3: The student can benefit from one month off in the internship stage.

Article 41) The request for educational leave should be in written and it should be handed at least two weeks before the beginning of registration for each semester. The written request, therefore, should be delivered to the department of education at least two weeks before the beginning of each section.

Note 1: If the aforementioned request is delivered out of the set time, making decisions will be upon the education council of the international university’s campus.

Note 2: The education department of international campus is bound to announce its approval or disapproval about the leave request of the student in written before the end of registration period and after investigating the related university.

Note 3: The aftermath brought after the educational leave is upon the student.

Article 42) Female pregnant students can benefit from one semester off without being accounted as their educational years by observing other regulations and laws.

Article 43) Students whose excused medical reasons have been approved by the council of medicine and council of education can benefit from maximum one semester without being accounted as their educational years.

Article 44) Students who are eager to withdraw from study should hand in their withdrawal request to the department of education of international campus in person. In this situation such students are allowed to retake their request only once and up to maximum one month before the end of that semester. After the expiration date, the mandate for his/her withdrawal from study will be issued and the student will not be permitted to continue studies in that field thereafter.

Chapter Eight - Changing Course

Article 45) Student of MD course can change his/her course by observing the following conditions:

45-1- Based on the educational regulations there should be no boundaries for continuing studies

45-2- The student should have passed minimum 1/6 and maximum 1/3 of the whole number of units in that course

45-3- Passing the required units in the new course should be possible regarding the remained allotted time of studying

Note 1: Changing course for students who are excluded from studying in the medicine course will be according to the instructions mentioned in Note 2 of Article 13

Note 2: Changing course for fields in which have been put special criteria should be progressed by executing those special criteria

Note 4: A student can change his/her course only once during his/her educational period except those who are mentioned in Note 1 of this very Article.

Article 46) Changing course must be done in the equal levels of education. Otherwise the student can only descend from higher level to the lower level following terms mentioned in Article 65.

Article 47) If the request for changing course is approved the student should register and take units for the new course in the first semester. After the registration the student will not be permitted to return to the previous course.

Note 1: The student should obey the rules of the previous course until s/he registers in the new course.

Note 2: Not proceeding to register in the new course in the set time will be accounted as withdrawal from changing course and s/he will not be allowed to change course until the end of that semester.

Article 48) Units which have been passed in the previous course will be equalized in the department of education of the new major. The only units that will be accepted are those which have at least 80% of content equation and the score for them should not grow less than 12.

Note 1: Approved units will be put in the score record of the student and will be calculated in the total average but score of the unapproved units will be left in the score record without affecting the average. In this case, if the total average of unapproved units is below 12 then the educational council of the university will decide to consider one conditional semester in the student’s score record for the new course.

Note 2: If the number of unapproved units of a student is so high that will hinder the possibility of passing the necessary units of the new course in set time then the request for changing course will be rejected.

Article 49) The applicant for course change should hand his/her request along with the necessary documents to the department of education of international campus minimum by 6 weeks before the beginning of the semester.

Article 50) If the student faces an accident or some illness that the medical council of university and educational development approve that the student cannot continue the MD course or cannot use the result of that, then the student will not be permitted to continue the MD course and can change to another course. That entrance examination’s obtained score of that course should be the closest to that of left course.

Note: In cases which the student faces psychological and behavioral disorders or physical illnesses and maimed organs in a way that s/he will no longer be able to continue studying in any of the related courses then that student can change to another course after the agreement of the target university and the medical and educational department of university.

Chapter Nine - Accepting Units

Article 51) Equalizing and accepting the courses which have been passed by the admitted in other universities or educational levels will be allowed with the following conditions:  

51-1- The former university and its degrees should be confirmed by the Ministry of Health and Medical Education or Ministry of Science and Research

51-2- The content of the passed units should share at least 80% of the units of the new major. The score for each course should not grow less than 12.

51-3- The educational process which the student had gone through should be in accordance with the appointed schedule of great council of Ministry of Health and Medical Education or the Ministry of Sciences and Research.

Note 1: Equalizing the specialized courses will be possible in equal levels or from higher levels to lower levels.

Note 2: Equalizing and accepting courses will be progressed by the educational department of the acceptor university.

Article 52) The approved units’ score will not be calculated in the average of the semester but they will be calculated in the total average of that student.

Note: One semester will be decreased from the student’s maximum allotted time of education for every 20 approved units.

Chapter Ten  - Dissertation

Article 53) Dissertation is one of the sections of the MD course medicine in which the student is obliged to do research about a related subject to the course under the directions of supervisor.

Article 54) The students of MD should choose and submit their dissertation subject from their training period until the time before taking the formal examination of pre-internship course.

Note: The MD students will not be permitted to participate in the formal examination of pre-internship course if they do not submit the subject of their dissertation in set time.

Article 55) The professor will be determined by the suggestion of the student.  The approval of supervisor and the related department of education is determined by the research council of the related college.

Note 1: The minimum academic rank for a supervisor is assistant professor. In special cases, with the approval of research council of the college, lecturer faculty members can also be used as supervisor.

Note 2: In special cases, to perform intersectional researches a student can have more than one supervisor following the approval of research council of the college.

Article 56) One of the faculty members or specialists and noted researchers will be determined as the advisor with the supervisor’s suggestion after the approval of the research council of the university, if necessary.

Note: The maximum number of MD dissertations which are led simultaneously by each of the supervisors will be calculated by dividing the total number of entry students in each academic year into the total number of faculty members of the related college multiplied by 2. Colleges in which the number of faculty members is high and the number of ascribed dissertations to the faculty members is low with the aforementioned formula, each of the faculty members can lead maximum 3 dissertations of students with the same entry year simultaneously following the approval of the research council of the college.

Article 57) Choosing the subject of dissertation must be done by the guidance of the supervisor.

Article 58) The dissertation’s subject must not be repetitive. This means that there should be no dissertation in the related university with similar or different topic but similar content within the past 5 years.

Note: In special cases and with the supervision of research council, choosing an identical topic will be of no problem in subjects which may need more research within less than the aforementioned time.

Article 59) Each student should choose one subject for dissertation.

Note: Choosing the topic of dissertation by a group of students (maximum 3) will be permitted after the approval of supervisor and research council of the related college. To do so, following steps should be accomplished:

a: Size and importance of research subject should be proportionate to the number of students.

b: Segmenting the subject of dissertation should be in a way that each of the related students be able to do a separate part of that.

Article 60) to submit the subject of dissertation the following steps should be taken:

a: Choosing the dissertation’s subject with the guidance of supervisor

b: Inspecting whether or not the dissertation’s subject is repetitive is upon the research administration of the college

c: The suggested plan for the subject of the dissertation should be approved by the related department of education.

d: Giving the suggested plan of dissertation from the department to the research administration of the college to be approved in the research council of the college.

e: Providing the supervisor with the approved notification of the research council to start the dissertation

Note: The time between submitting the dissertation’s subject and defending that should not grow less than one year.

Article 61) Each dissertation should have the following parts:

a: Abstract in Farsi and English (significance and background, method and instrumentation, results, and conclusion)

b: Introduction (reasons of significance, general information about research and goals of research)

c: Context analysis

d: Methodology (type of research, environment and instruments of research, size and sample and sampling technique, data collection technique, data analysis method, and types of statistical tests and process)

e: Results (using statistical tests, tables, diagrams and result interpretation)

f: Discussion and conclusion (investigating the results, comparing the results with those of other studies, analyzing the reason of different result with those of other studies, investigating the defects and delimitations of research, final conclusion and recommendations for further studies)

g: Resources

Article 62) Composing the dissertation in English is of no boundaries but it is necessary to have abstract not just in English but also in Farsi.

Article 63) The jury who is responsible for making the final decision about dissertations is made of the following members:

1-      Supervisor

2-      Advisor (if included)

3-      Representative of the research council of college

4-      Representative of the department of education related to the dissertation

5-      A member of faculty members or specialists and noted researchers chosen by the related department of education

Note: Academic rank of supervisor and faculty members should be at least assistant professor. In special cases after the approval of research council of college, the rank can be lecturer. About specialists, researches, and noted experts bearing PhD is obligatory.

Article 64) The jury’s evaluation of the dissertation is in a numerical scale from zero to twenty. According to the obtained scores they will be categorized into four ranks as follows:

Excellent                    very good                            good                            unacceptable

Note: Only those dissertations can obtain “excellent” which were investigative (done by research) or were printed or took the privilege of copy in one of the authentic scientific journals of Iran or foreign countries. Obviously, providing the jury with article or privilege of being copied in a journal should be before defending the dissertation and scoring session.

Article 65) All the students are bound to defend their dissertation in the last semester and if a student could not defend his/her dissertation within the set schedule of educational year or could not obtain passing score that student will be expelled even though s/he had passed all the training units.

Article 66) Number of units and score of dissertation in the final semester will be calculated and students are free to disobey the “maximum number of allowed unit” rule in the final semester.

Article 67) A student is considered graduate when all the units are passed including dissertation (any of them earliest)

Article 68) All the rights gained from dissertations belong to university.

Article 69) A copy of every dissertation’s summary should be sent to the deputy of research and technology of the related ministry for utilization and informing other centers.

Chapter Eleven - Graduation

Article 70) Students who have passed all the units and training courses of the MD and have successfully defended their dissertation will be considered graduated based on the rules of this piece of regulations.



Last Update At : 22 September 2021